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  1. #41
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    Darn I was hoping to consolidate a few abilities and ditch my Epic Spare Hand by working one of these rings into my gear setup. I'd rather have Exceptional Combat Mastery +5 always active. It would be nice to have Stunning +10 too, because with new useful Fighter feat options I'm not going to have room for Quickdraw, which made swapping to an Stunning +10 weapon tolerable.

    Casters get items which increase Potency across all schools and grant some form of Arcane Lore, so why can't melee get something which boosts all tactics? Let's face it only Fighters and Monks use more than one type of tactical Feat anyway. The ring slot was a good choice, forcing melee to give up a ToD set bonus or burst damage for Monks.

  2. #42
    Hero Arlathen's Avatar
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    In my opinion, the best option these rings have is the Stunning +10. This is such a great option for freeing up the suffix on your weapon, or even allowing non-bludgeoning weapons to get the bonus for stunning feats.

    WSS/Shortsword Monks, Dwarves with their Axes, Elves with Scimitars/Rapiers, FvS with there Longswords even? There's a whole variety of builds out there that could make use of this ring with Stunning +10 as its hard enough to get Stunning Blow to work when fitting it on a heavy MAD build.

    The Dodge 4% is a close second. Thank God we have another option for this effect.

    And I'm sure there's players out there that appreciate the other tactics +10 effects. Improved Sunder is still a very valuable feat for Raid Bosses.

    Exceptional Combat Mastery already exists in game, and although having options is nice (and having both Tactics +10 and Mastery +5 on the ring would make for an awesome item) I think the above two options are a much better choice for the Ring.
    Quote Originally Posted by twinstronglord View Post
    Up to this point we've all been beating around the bush. Lolth has a very small box in which you can hit her.

  3. #43
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlathen View Post
    In my opinion, the best option these rings have is the Stunning +10. This is such a great option for freeing up the suffix on your weapon, or even allowing non-bludgeoning weapons to get the bonus for stunning feats.

    WSS/Shortsword Monks, Dwarves with their Axes, Elves with Scimitars/Rapiers, FvS with there Longswords even? There's a whole variety of builds out there that could make use of this ring with Stunning +10 as its hard enough to get Stunning Blow to work when fitting it on a heavy MAD build.

    The Dodge 4% is a close second. Thank God we have another option for this effect.

    And I'm sure there's players out there that appreciate the other tactics +10 effects. Improved Sunder is still a very valuable feat for Raid Bosses.

    Exceptional Combat Mastery already exists in game, and although having options is nice (and having both Tactics +10 and Mastery +5 on the ring would make for an awesome item) I think the above two options are a much better choice for the Ring.
    Well, there are a few other options for those affixes as well. Hide of the Goristro can have Stunning/Shatter/Vertigo +10 on it as well. Alchemical t1 Air weapons also have Stunning +10.

    After the nerfs to these rings take effect, I am going to have a hard time using it instead of my Epic Ring of the Stalker. Exceptional Sneak +3, Ghostly (essentially a stacking +10% dodge that also gives Ghost Touch-- and best of all with the U14 changes it stacks with Dodge% AND Blurry), Seeker +6 (there are a couple other options for that now, including the amazing Cormyrian Red Dragon Armor which has +10), and the semi-useful Manslayer ability. Even without Exceptional Combat Mastery +5, I will still have above a 50 DC on my barb's Stunning Blows...

  4. #44
    Community Member Lord_Darquain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
    Yes, that's a bugged one that, due to a mistake in how something was set up, also gained the weapon abilities that are supposed to go on the Drow weapons in that quest.
    By the way, what is the design goal for the drow weapons?

    They seem to be above min level 20, non-craftable named items with very basic untyped damage bonuses. Why?

    It seems most randomly generated loot out DPSes them, much less anyhting crafted from greensteel on.

  5. #45
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    From a Fighter's perspective, I would have to consider giving up a ToD ring with 20% healing amp and +1 exceptional ability on it for any other ring. I don't think I can slot this anywhere else either, when I am already having troubling including melee alacrity 10% (which IMO is huge for anyone who even does a small amount of pugging).

    My other ring will be an Epic Ring of the Stalker. It has 10% incorporeal, ghost-touch, +3 to-hit and +5 damage when you don't have aggro, Seeker +6 (bare minimum any mele wants), Manslayer (very powerful effect, I see often see 100's on any creature even remotely resembling a humanoid including I think some red-names), and colorless and yellow augment slots.

    Giving up that ring means wearing an Epic Cloak of Night (which is looking quite attractive now) and Drow Smoke Goggles for Seeker +6 and Manslayer. I don't think giving up Tharne's is worth it. True Seeing and +5 to-hit and +8 damage when you don't have aggro is too good. In situations where I need to take aggro I can still swap to my +45 HP GS goggles with Lightning Storm Guard.

    The Seal of House Dun'Robar has a few attractive options, but nothing except 4% dodge that isn't easily replicatated elsewhere. At the moment though, I am struggling to justify slotting this over 20% healing amp. The 30% from gloves in addition to the 20% from another source, means getting healed for one-and-a-half times the health back from any source. That seems too big to pass up for a melee, but for a Fighter looking for a decent dodge bonus and more than one tactical Feat, the Seal of House Dun'Robar is hard to pass up.

    So while I'd like to have +5 exceptional combat mastery always on, it is the only real reason for my Fighter to want to wear the Epic Spare Hand. If this was on the Seal of House Dun'Robar and any single other +10 tactical prefix, it would be perfect as I could then drop my Epic Spare Hand in favour of something more useful. At the moment I'm only using it because it has been the only source of that particular bonus.

  6. #46
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    Anyone know if/when the retroactive fix is getting updated?

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