Hello to whom ever reads..
I played this game when it first came out.. Got to lvl 5 and quit for a couple years. I just got back into it, VIP status. I have a lvl 7 WF sorcerer as my highest right now.
Im not new to MMO's been part of high end guilds for over 10 years in many games, but now I just want to relax some and play semi casual - hard.
Im 39 years old and just want to have some fun running dungeons and adventure packs with people of my level. My gear is pathetic , but thats why I want to group up and enjoy some play time with some people.
I dont want to be part of any drama guilds, or immature players.
I am on east coast USA, and play times vary a lot. I want to be part of a guild with players on at all kinds of times. I prefer a guild that has been around for a while and has a name for itself.
Thank you..