I have 3 paladins, all of them started out as KoTC (when PrE's came along that is) and 2 have since moved to DoS, even though they aren't "tanks," and most often don't use shields.
I've hung on to the remaining KoTC but really it seems to be a Shroud running character and that's pretty much it. I've also noticed several "classes ranked against each other" threads and they don't even list KoTC as an "also ran;" it is as though KoTC has disappeared entirely.
Should I go ahead and move to the final holdout to DoS, or do some of you see some life remaining in KoTC? I always loved the idea of KoTC, it is just a shame it doesn't seem to work out in the, um, real world. Are any of you hanging in there, and see anything productive coming out of KoTC with the ED's, etc? If so, what?
EDIT: it would be a simple matter of "just flip and see how you like it" except that I hate losing the extra feat slot for the prerequisite, which seems so costly even on a human.