Okay this is why I signed up for VIP... Now you've gone and said screw you we lied you don't get unlimited access. Even though I've been paying on a regular consistent basis. VIPs aren't allowed access to MoTU except for the worst content possible? Horrible challenges that give the most worthless rewards you can think of? You gave us access to the eveningstar challenges like that would make it all better when they're the ugly redheaded stepchild. Why should I bother with these they're worthless except for the first time run for exp and they're not even great exp at that either.5. What is a DDO VIP?
Sounds important, right? Well, it is. DDO VIPs are players who want unlimited access to all of the content DDO has to offer. This newly optional subscription program also allows its gamers to enjoy a number of other exclusive benefits, such as a monthly grant of Turbine Points, priority access to servers, the ability to play all classes and races, additional character slots, a shared bank slot, and much more. The cost of becoming a DDO VIP is only $14.99 per month. Learn more by clicking here!
So I need to know how this is going to be rectified? Will VIPs be granted double TP for a period so we can pay for this stuff with our stipend like with artificer? Do we just have to out wait you until you give VIPs access as should be? OR is this a permanent deal with nothing to VIPs to make this up?... If it's the last I definitely need to know since I am no longer receiving what I'm paying for and if I am not receiving what I'm paying for then I should pack up before I put work in towards my 4th life on my TR and invest more time and money when I can play another game where I ACTUALLY receive what I'm promised.