I play an arti - haven't had time to level it much so it's sitting at 11 ready to go with a few runearms stored and a ranger PL. Also a helves angel build in a half-assed oh-ok-i'll-bring-dps-since-you-already-have-divines just conjure arrows way. But range is kind of fun (when it works) and I would like to understand and use this better than I have been.
I've been carefully collecting slayer arrows and bolts and I can happily craft this and that on my crafter. But how do you organise and effectively use these? There are the different quivers types with different stack depths and number of stacks but you can't hotbar a quiver. And if I leave them just in an inventory slot they take up space- I can't complain about stacking sizes of slayer arrows cos I don't have that many - but for metal types etc.
Leaving aside what we would *like* to have in this game but don't, do you have any good tips for me a range newbie on the most efficient way to organise and use arrows and bolts? If you use quivers what do you use them for?