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  1. #21
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    Don't remember the exact post. Devs said no greensteel handwraps for monks. Fists are a monk's weapon and handwraps augment the fists. Guess hard to have ml 12 on fists. Though it would be funny to see a bunch of monks running around only able to kick till level 12.
    Note: fists do the damage in level progression, not the handwraps.

  2. #22
    Community Member Jhenissa's Avatar
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    Until I have something comparable to a MinII at level 12, I can dream of a day when GS Wraps are a reality.

    I still dream of the day when silver wraps drop from DA...the hundreds of runs over the last five lives are really depressing.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pintail View Post
    Don't remember the exact post. Devs said no greensteel handwraps for monks. Fists are a monk's weapon and handwraps augment the fists. Guess hard to have ml 12 on fists. Though it would be funny to see a bunch of monks running around only able to kick till level 12.
    Note: fists do the damage in level progression, not the handwraps.
    The GS wrap would work just like any other wraps (even random generated wraps have min. levels, so don't bring that as an argument pls). They obviously wouldnt have base damage on their own, but the same bonus stuff like other green steel weapons (bursts, stat stuff).

    A GS wraps blank could have reinforced fists, just like Garments of Equilibrium, which is min lvl 12 too and really easy to get.

  4. #24
    Community Member Sadiagraxa's Avatar
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  5. #25
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pintail View Post
    Don't remember the exact post. Devs said no greensteel handwraps for monks. Fists are a monk's weapon and handwraps augment the fists. Guess hard to have ml 12 on fists. Though it would be funny to see a bunch of monks running around only able to kick till level 12.
    Note: fists do the damage in level progression, not the handwraps.
    You actually had me thinking, If not wraps I could settle for green steel boots that would allow the same effect as green steel weapons. It will offer no base damage, how ever unarmed melees (druid and monk) would benefit from the extra goodies provided by green steel weapons

  6. #26
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_mad_jester_V View Post
    You actually had me thinking, If not wraps I could settle for green steel boots that would allow the same effect as green steel weapons. It will offer no base damage, how ever unarmed melees (druid and monk) would benefit from the extra goodies provided by green steel weapons
    You have a flair for posting rediculous and terribly unbalancing suggestions.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_mad_jester_V View Post
    You actually had me thinking, If not wraps I could settle for green steel boots that would allow the same effect as green steel weapons. It will offer no base damage, how ever unarmed melees (druid and monk) would benefit from the extra goodies provided by green steel weapons
    Druids can already take advantage of GS weapons while in animal form, the effects on the main hand stay with them.
    They do lose the offhand weapon effects though.

  8. #28
    Community Member noinfo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_mad_jester_V View Post
    Pallies get alot of love these days, more resistance and can now boost to 120-180 ac (if i remember right)

    Barbs can swing away doing 200+ dmg per sec, with high dr and high hp

    Fighters get high versatility can can out dmg a monk if built right and have more ac then a monk
    You lost people with your first point with pallies. No one honestly believes that they get alot of love unless you are comparing them to rangers. Those 2 classes need more attention than anyother melee. Monks are fine, though if all classes could get TOD ring burst effects on weapons I would go for GS wraps.

    Fighters can get high AC or high DPS at anyone time.

    Currently Monks are the class that get significant buffs the others while they have all recieved something are yet to get anything that comes close to the power of earth stance.
    Milacias of Kyber

    Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber

    The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
    The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.

  9. #29
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    You have a flair for posting rediculous and terribly unbalancing suggestions.
    how would it unbalance, you loose other benefits from gs boots, it would be monk only, and would only do the extra damage like unholy burst, neg energy burst and what not, monks utilize their feet, and you have rock boots that are similar to this idea. It would be both a drawback and a win for monks and monk kind.

  10. #30
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_mad_jester_V View Post
    how would it unbalance, you loose other benefits from gs boots, it would be monk only, and would only do the extra damage like unholy burst, neg energy burst and what not, monks utilize their feet, and you have rock boots that are similar to this idea. It would be both a drawback and a win for monks and monk kind.
    So, just so I know what you are saying...

    you are taking one of the highest melee dps classes that have the most utility and good survivability, and saying they should be able to put

    holy/acid burst/acid blast/metaline/impact/slicing
    holy/shocking burst/shocking blast/litII strike

    IN ADDITION to alchemical handwraps

    which are IN ADDITION to TOD rings.

    That is your very balanced and logical idea? Nevermind the fact that you said paladins have gotten a lot of love lately....

  11. #31
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    So, just so I know what you are saying...

    you are taking one of the highest melee dps classes that have the most utility and good survivability, and saying they should be able to put

    holy/acid burst/acid blast/metaline/impact/slicing
    holy/shocking burst/shocking blast/litII strike

    IN ADDITION to alchemical handwraps

    which are IN ADDITION to TOD rings.

    That is your very balanced and logical idea? Nevermind the fact that you said paladins have gotten a lot of love lately....
    if you didnt read im against ToD rings, and whats the difference?

    Green steel long sword in one hand, alchemical long sword in the other hand? where the difference of my suggestion of monk greensteel boots, and alchemical wraps?

  12. #32
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noinfo View Post
    You lost people with your first point with pallies. No one honestly believes that they get alot of love unless you are comparing them to rangers. Those 2 classes need more attention than anyother melee. Monks are fine, though if all classes could get TOD ring burst effects on weapons I would go for GS wraps.

    Fighters can get high AC or high DPS at anyone time.

    Currently Monks are the class that get significant buffs the others while they have all recieved something are yet to get anything that comes close to the power of earth stance.
    pallies are starting to get the lovin they deserve, i've been in many raids where the question "can you tank this" is now directed at the pally rather than the fighter.

    I agree though rangers do need more tlc.

    also would have to agree that tod rings should effect all weapons.

  13. #33
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by noinfo View Post
    Currently Monks are the class that get significant buffs the others while they have all recieved something are yet to get anything that comes close to the power of earth stance.
    Every time im grouped with a monk i ask what stance they use,typical answers are fire/wind.

    Also the time it has taken me to accumulate all my monk gear is double the time it took many others to get theirs. Heck my level 8 fighter/pally has better gear then my level 8 monk, and im sure that said fighter will have all the gear it needs by level 20, my pale monk on the other hand has taken me 2 lives of continues farming to get what i have now.

    soul eater
    epic jidz bracers
    enlightened vestments
    vampiric stonedust wraps
    eveningstar wraps (took a lot of grinding to finally make a good pair, dose con and sonic damage)
    metalline wraps
    buttressing robes

    also i have ran HoX many many many times, too many for me to even like that quest anymore, just to try and get the wraps there, but i never see them :-(

    soul eater as i listed isnt monk specific. and i still need silver wraps (i've been farming for those for god knows how long) byshek wraps would be nice to find, or even nicer if ah didnt have them up for 500k+

    of course i have my puregood, banashing, and smiting wraps.
    Last edited by V_mad_jester_V; 07-22-2012 at 10:49 PM.

  14. #34
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Dude all I can say is you chose your forum name well.

  15. #35
    Community Member Jhenissa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    So, just so I know what you are saying...

    you are taking one of the highest melee dps classes that have the most utility and good survivability, and saying they should be able to put

    holy/acid burst/acid blast/metaline/impact/slicing
    holy/shocking burst/shocking blast/litII strike

    IN ADDITION to alchemical handwraps

    which are IN ADDITION to TOD rings.

    That is your very balanced and logical idea? Nevermind the fact that you said paladins have gotten a lot of love lately....
    1. Not everyone has TOD rings. My current guildies and I have been in one guild or another, together, for over 2 years. Many of us have been playing right from the start. 1 and only 1 of us have TOD Rings. Most of us have multiple TRs and have run TOD plenty, but through bad luck or the lack of desire to continually grind out TOD, have not gotten rings. I would hazard this is probably true of the mythical "95%" who do not visit the forums or are quiet observers.

    2. I am not sure how game breaking it is for a level 12 monk to have Min II wraps. I am on my 7th life. 4 of those lives were thf melees swinging a Min II greataxe. So a well geared multi-tr'd barb swinging a Min II greataxe isnt a little game breaking? I solo a lot of 12-17 content on elite with little effort.

    3. Alchemical wraps. I don't have a pair. Are these essential to endgame? I don't know.

    What I do know is there are some really great players out there who have worked their asses off to build some really strong monks. They have the gear and they have the manual dexterity for the complicated button mashing to make monks really shine. Would these players with a pair Min II wraps be uber-overkill? Yes, probably but they are that way anyway. They have been that way despite the various handwraps nightmares we have seen through cannith crafting. Some players are just going to be uber. They are going to post their EPIC solo runs and we are going to be just a tiny bit jealous. The interesting thing is not all of the uber elite players play monks. They play a variety of classes. Each class has some player that makes it shine so bright it amazes the rest of us.

    I do think for the rest of the 95%, gs handwraps would be a welcome addition.

  16. #36
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    Dude all I can say is you chose your forum name well.
    dunno if its an observation, compliment, or insult but thanks anyways :-p lol

    anyways i dont see why people gripe about balance in this game, this has probably and will most likely be the most unbalanced game i have ever played.

    The Secret world offers more balance than this (people complain about ar/shotgun builds but those classes can be beaten easily in pvp, and can be out shined by any other class) and this was released 2 or 3 weeks ago (maybe a month now) but its pretty fresh off the shelf.

    The guild wars truly free to play game minus one time purchase of game, and one time purchase of xpacks (thats to be expected how else would they make their monies)

    WoW, getting gear was much easier, took a lil grind but its a minute grind compared to this game, but it was still balanced, nerf hammers came around often. (played through liche king, and at the time pallies where the main source of dk beaters) not sure if this is relevant to todays WoW but it was when i played.

    Champions online, its a super hero game for god sakes and this offers more balance than DDO emphasis on the SUPERHERO part (which many people thought this game would be broke but i havent seen it)

    same goes for starwars galaxies online- if you wanted to make a jedi it took for ever and the rewards were great, but the balance came into it with the time it took to make a jedi kngiht. (bounty hunters tend to be jedi beaters on my old server)

    DCU was slightly unbalanced for pvp till the recent update where you couldnt do range breakers and just keep launching an opponent, (i miss merking level 20's on my level 5) but they did rebalance it to work

    City of Heroes/villains had more symmetry then this game.

    done ranting about game balance

    i swing one of two ways on ddo, either nerf everyone (omit rangers their pretty nerfed on their own now) or make everyone op (especially rangers) never really played a ranger through level 12 before getting bored of it and tossing it, or splashing fighter/barb/rogue/or monk levels into it.

    and i agree with Jhenissa
    monks are over powered but many classes are. I piked and let a sorc finish a quest who was one shoting EVERYTHING (3 shots for bosses) in cry for help just earlier today. ran through it 4-5 times and only took about 8-10 mins. I dont think a monk can do that? maye 5-10 min runs a piece, but not 2 min runs. Sat back in ritual sacrifice pre update, and piked while our pm rounded all mobs wailed and moved on. 2-3 shots on red/orange names.

    Watched an assassin rogue solo lords of dust epic. (preupdate)

    friends with a acrobat who soloed the snitch on epic (preupdate)

    Watched a favor soul solo Weapons Shipment elite

    Recently been getting a pally uprising (shroud group had like 4 pallies that just couldnt die) heck i know a twf pally who just reams things and has 98 ac without shield and 100+ with shield (dont know what shield he was using at the time just to brag about ac)

    Fighters can achieve just as high a survivability rate as monks with high ac and as someone pointed out, high dps as well

    A cleric did all of cole chamber 2 levels below, pretty much solo. (many of us just waited around to be told what to do at the time due to little knowledge and too many deaths)

    Had a sorc tank VoD solo as well (with a wiz as a healer), bard tank HoX, and a level 14 arti take down dragon in von 6 solo (minus the healer) i **** you not, worse loot ever too.

    I have seen pretty much every class shine. Not much to be said with druids yet, havent seen anything spectacular or note worthy come from them except their versitilty but im sure theres someone on a druid soloing an epic quest
    or attempting to solo as i type this.

    Monks are just as over powered as any other class can be (just gotta unlock their potential). well again except for rangers.

  17. #37
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jhenissa View Post
    1. Not everyone has TOD rings. My current guildies and I have been in one guild or another, together, for over 2 years. Many of us have been playing right from the start. 1 and only 1 of us have TOD Rings. Most of us have multiple TRs and have run TOD plenty, but through bad luck or the lack of desire to continually grind out TOD, have not gotten rings. I would hazard this is probably true of the mythical "95%" who do not visit the forums or are quiet observers.

    2. I am not sure how game breaking it is for a level 12 monk to have Min II wraps. I am on my 7th life. 4 of those lives were thf melees swinging a Min II greataxe. So a well geared multi-tr'd barb swinging a Min II greataxe isnt a little game breaking? I solo a lot of 12-17 content on elite with little effort.

    3. Alchemical wraps. I don't have a pair. Are these essential to endgame? I don't know.
    First of all, I was responding to the jesters suggestion of stacking GS boots AND wraps AND rings. Asinine.

    2nd of all, if you don't want to grind for TOD rings, you don't have to. You can put HB on ANY ring, and most people are only after 3-4 specific rings, so plenty are up for roll that are "trash" for them but "treasure" for you. You obviously have not ran TOD very much if you have zero rings.

    Third of all, monks desire for alchemical wraps is one of the major things driving people to complete MA/LOB. Probably THE biggest. Make GS handwraps and there is less demand to run LOB/MA. There will *always* be demand to run shroud, but MA/LOB are in danger of becoming dead content. Look at the big picture here: giving GS wraps is work for the devs, will probably be buggy as hell, AND kills a couple raids they worked really hard on. Not gonna happen.

    I'm not particularly against it, I just think it is not needed, a waste of dev time, and kills off demand for other content that needs it more.

  18. #38
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    First of all, I was responding to the jesters suggestion of stacking GS boots AND wraps AND rings. Asinine.
    no omit the rings, i dont want them to stack, im pretty against the rings if that hasnt been obvious since my first post in this thread. Just the boots and wraps tis all, not asinine, practicle compare to every class in the game, not to mention monks cant have 2 different types of handwraps so that would even up the who duel wielding that any other class can do with their weapons.

    2nd of all, if you don't want to grind for TOD rings, you don't have to. You can put HB on ANY ring, and most people are only after 3-4 specific rings, so plenty are up for roll that are "trash" for them but "treasure" for you. You obviously have not ran TOD very much if you have zero rings.
    im about fair play on the ToD rings as much as im against them, but thats an injustice to non monk characters. If a fighter wants holy burst ToD rings in liue of green steel they should get that as an option.

    Third of all, monks desire for alchemical wraps is one of the major things driving people to complete MA/LOB. Probably THE biggest. Make GS handwraps and there is less demand to run LOB/MA. There will *always* be demand to run shroud, but MA/LOB are in danger of becoming dead content. Look at the big picture here: giving GS wraps is work for the devs, will probably be buggy as hell, AND kills a couple raids they worked really hard on. Not gonna happen.

    I'm not particularly against it, I just think it is not needed, a waste of dev time, and kills off demand for other content that needs it more.
    they already made alchemicals which is crafting handwraps, and from what i've seen requires mats to be farmed then combined to make said handwraps, not much different then greensteel no? just more ingredient involved in greensteel. they already have the green steel recipes so thats not extra time making recipes just extra time working them into wraps. And why so concerned about dev time? if they were doing more for this game then they dont have work and therefore should be fired cuz their time is so precious they cant focus on adding things, amending things to this game? If their told to jump they ask how high. Its like my analogy goes, dont feel bad about paying a cashier all change cuz they have to count it out, and its more work..its their job to do said extra work.

    while yes there will be bugs, but its a science, its a matter of trial and error. It didnt work right the first time you go in see what was done wrong and you fix it. Thats their job, and if their not willing to do their job by adding in content, amending, ect, then they need to be fired and turbine needs a new staff. If they worry about bugs when things go live what they should do is implement new ideas in closed test servers, work the kinks then release it to the public, not dismiss it as "well its going to be buggy so we shouldnt do it", thats a shortcut in their job imo.

  19. #39
    Community Member Silverwren's Avatar
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    First of all, yes please! /signed and all that jazz

    Quote Originally Posted by dredre9987 View Post
    Not signed

    No more Green Steel EVER please....They should just wipe out the whole **** thing.
    Second, why? You say you want it wiped out but give no valid reasons why it should be.

    Quote Originally Posted by MRMechMan View Post
    monks don't really need GS handwraps. TOD rings+alchemicals is PLENTY powerful. TOD ring incredible potential for monks...10+ damage/swing...for other melees it is 1 damage, or zero if they have +2/3 insight str somewhere else.
    Third, those monks that DON'T have ToD ring sets and/or Alchemicals (like mine) would like a set of GS handwraps.

    Fourth, Yes please! /signed and all that jazz!
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  20. #40
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    If they were to work on wraps for green steel it would be swell if they added some way of deconstructing green steel maybe something that you pull in the end chests or possibly get as an end reward.

    Yes yes i am bitter that i cannot pull dopant anyway sue me :P.
    Last edited by Miow; 07-23-2012 at 09:58 AM.

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