Many hands make work hard?????????? Who says art is based on reality.
It's not a game anymore, it is work. I’m fighting a battle against losing renown for no apparent reason. Did we **** of the coin lords? NO! Did we anger the armies of house denieth? They keep giving me rewards now into my forth time TR ing and my guild mates are getting the favor too. Did we kill off a favorite actor in Phiarlan.... Well maybe, but they still are patting us on the back. Who causes the renown to drop if everyone in the storyline loves us and can't help talking about us. Then it must be beyond storyline. It must be beyond the game.
Beyond the game would be the developers and or the Investors, corporate Higher ups, and others that I can't even contact. This is for them to hear if they care enough to listen.
Why even have Guild renowned Decay? There must be a reason. Every guild can't be the most famous. And defiantly if a Character leaves the Guild on bad terms they may lower the renown. Of course all publicity can be good publicity that’s why Biggie marts keep getting bigger. Perhaps we only have guild renown decay to imitate time passing from good deed to good deed. If so then why do larger guilds lose more than smaller guilds?
The large guild I’m in has always done its best to help the new hero learn the game. We are always there to support the new player and help them find their new goal and the reason to play regularly. We spend our hard earned or bought DDO points to buy passes to show them the other areas that usually convince them to own that content too. We also invest in players with weak Characters: time, effort, and DDO points because it builds loyalty to the Guild and the Game. Quite frankly, our large guild is very good for business, Free in game support by unpaid workers. I want that in every business I start.
We have lost a few guild members over the years who want to start their own guilds and that’s great but with decay so hard on our large guild it seems to only be a short time before they fall off of the map as we choose guild mates first to up renown. Recently it is to maintain our level. The ones I like I put on my friends list and it seems pretty often that they stop playing soon after. Guild renown decay keeps us from supporting them as we did when they were in the large guild.
I have played Dungeons and Dragons since 1978. Guilds were often based on your class or your race and sometimes on a common goal or subject to where the guild was located. We would use Guilds as a way to make contacts to continue the storyline. Often characters would have more than one. Rogues would have a rogue’s guild (we called them thieves back then) and spoke in the thieves cant to keep their less than honorable dealings secret. But the same rogue might be a part of a larger organization too. Imagine the Musketeers everyone wants to be one or Robin hood and his merry men (thieves guild) but Robin was also loyal to king John.
I have an Idea that might revolutionize the guild Idea in DDO. This, if it can be implemented would allow every player to own a guild but continue to be supported by the larger guild. My second Idea would appreciate helpful players who create and build loyalty to the game.
I suggest allowing players be in more than one guild at a time (maybe two with the option of buying the right to the third). As well allow guilds to limit themselves to class, race, or Idea/area (Multi class or pure class/ ebboron or eveiningstar). We would allow the option of large guilds to stay large guilds. Of course then maybe a rogues guild, by limiting who they have, to rogues, could get a +5 to disable shrine that’s not available to other guilds(but you can only recruit rogues) and can’t get a Charisma shrine maybe. (These things would need to be decided) So a rogue a member of a rogues guild and a member of the large guild could get the +5 disable shrine then go to the large guild and get the Charisma shrine or the experience shrine etc.
The Drow specific guild might have a 2hour Intelligence and charisma shrine.(these guys don’t allow others on board sorry no invitations unless you are Drow) The Warforge may have a 2 hour constitution shrine and +5% fortification. (you have to pay for warforge, maybe past life should get you in)
Meanwhile the large guild Idea could allow anyone in and would only have shrines that would be good for all characters races etc. (the experience shrine might be better in the general/large type guild. and other general amenities would only be available there.)
My second Idea deals with renown decay and loyalty to game.
End guild decay as we know it. It demoralizes players and demoralized people look for comfort; often elsewhere. That said in addition to gaining renown as we have, allow players the chance to rate the players who were in the finished quest (not able to choose themself) and give helpful character(s) a bonus of renown for the guilds they are a part of and perhaps give the chance to award an infamous (to players who pike and don’t play nice) thus lowering their personal renown. (Perhaps they will be demoralized and find another game to ruin.) (Perhaps a guild could be built on the infamy Idea and try to get to level negative ten for a bonus, they will probably only be in one guild)
Additionally allow guild leaders to see renown so that they can reward and praise players who make this game the best creating loyalties to the guild and to DDO.
Guild renown could then follow players, if a player changes guilds the renown goes with the player to their new guild. A band in the 90s the traveling Wilburys or something like that was made up of several famous musicians and it didn't take them much to be famous. Likewise in DDO if 6 excellent players came together to create a guild their personal renown would give them instant levels (they would still have to buy the ships etc.) The guild they left would suffer the decay and truly great leaders would emerge as leaders of great guilds. Meanwhile your characters renown would fall only for inactive account status. I would be sure to keep my account active having 20 characters on Sarlona alone, It would be my own fault if I fell into obscurity. Guild leaders may see decay but booting inactive players would be worse because it may still be an active account. Guild leaders being able to see renown could choose the best leadership for their guild and make room for new players based on renown value and inactivity combined.
I believe these changes would build a strong and loyal player base that strives to be helpful and uplifting to others, while at the same time ending the demoralizing elements that drive players away from DDO.