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Thread: Cannot Search

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Cannot Search

    Elven Rogue(1)/Ranger(6)/Fighter(1).

    I can no longer automatically detect traps or secret doors.

    My search function does not work even if I know where trap control mechanisms are.

    My hireling (elven cleric) can detect them but I still cannot find them.

    Traps are killing me now!

    Seems to be since the last update.

    Anyone else seen this/any ideas?

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011


    The traps difficulty level goes up as the dungeon levels go up. Which means you are trying to look for level 8 traps with a level 1 rogue skill set. I found this out with my ranger/rogue. I also could sense the traps but could not find them till I changed out gear the improved my search skill. I found the same issue with lock-picking and disabling traps, I kept getting failures. Once I realized this, I started to train levels on the rogue side to raise the skills. At level 10 ranger/4 rogue, I still have to use the gear to find stuff in the level 12 and up areas. I commonly switch around hot-keyed gear as I go in order to increase spotting, search and then to either lock picking or disabling gear as needed.
    Last edited by Snurg; 07-26-2012 at 12:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member akash's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Sparhawkson View Post
    Elven Rogue(1)/Ranger(6)/Fighter(1).

    I can no longer automatically detect traps or secret doors.

    My search function does not work even if I know where trap control mechanisms are.

    My hireling (elven cleric) can detect them but I still cannot find them.

    Traps are killing me now!

    Seems to be since the last update.

    Anyone else seen this/any ideas?
    Have you maxed out your Search, DD, and Spot skills in each level? Also are you using the highest (+9 in your case) Eagle, Finding, and Escaping items with +5 thieves tool?

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