(also, there will be a note about how to handle ransack as well, below the dashed line)

Take away repeating quest penalties for VIP's. Make a lesser effect than current for Premium players and keep the current system for completely Free to Play players.

VIP's usually are longtime players, and they generally have a menagerie of different toons to play. If they want to grind the same quest over and over again, let them. Its not like you're trying to force them to buy expansion packs, because they have them all. Sure, we will get groups of VIP's grinding the most XP efficient quests and ignoring all the others, but they already do that.


Ransack timers are an altogether different bird. I believe it would be fair to allow a player who opened a chest and saw nothing they wanted to forfeit their loot for the benefit of not advancing the ransack counter. That means that if the character does not loot anything from the chest, and does not transfer any items within the chest to another player, it would not penalize him with incrementing the ransack loot counter.

Its a simple solution. I think it works. There will be those of you who will disagree. What do you think?