On my second lord of blades life right now. After update 14, the survival ability of this character has fallen off dramatically. My current build is a pretty standard LOB right now. Str. Con. A little Int. For umd this life, low Wis. Dex. and Cha.. Feats are toughness, power attack, extend, empower heal, improve crit, quicken, and empower I think. Currently just shy of level 20, I would like to run the new expansion but the last few levels have been miserable. Any suggestions to retune this to make this poor fella fun to play again. I still have the free lr available and most stats have +2 or 3 tomes already. Other LOB 's that I have spoken with are in the same boat, just wanted to see if anyone has found a solution yet. If not I will probably tr when I hit 20 and do a Sorc. Life. Thanks for any suggestions. I do not want to be a half elf FvS either they are to ugly even with helmet on.