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  1. #1
    Hero bando's Avatar
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    Default Drow Sorcificer (Art2/Sorc18)

    Okay: so you play a drow: +2 int, +2 cha +2 dex: perfect for an artificer or a sorc

    Because you're not a WF, you lose the ability to self-heal, EXCEPT that you get construct essence so that you can heal

    You lose 20 HP, BUT you're mostly ranged and 20 is not such a huge deal if you can stick a toughness item on you somewhere. And honestly, the con differential is gonna drop you from like 340 around level 14 to around 280--still pretty livable because you have your GS, con+6, and GFL items because you're not a persona nubilis.

    You get: all the nice little bonuses on your rune-arm and the ability to shoot at things when you run out of mana.

    Other advantages:
    1) you can do traps, even if you don't have evasion.
    2) you can use shields proficiently, as well as light and medium armor (mithral twilight should negate most penalties)
    3) a situational pet dog (for breaking boxes) or for pulling levers and such while powersoloing with Europe's Final Countdown playing in the background.
    4) Max Cha on a self-healing Sorc (this gets easier if you are a 36-4=32 point build)
    5) repair light wounds right at level 1.
    6) it will feel like old-school games like Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure bonds because your wizard will be equipped with a xbow for when he runs out of spells.

    1) feats will be tough, but you can squeeze in: construct body, toughness, maximize, empower, and quicken
    2) people will make fun of you until they feel the awesomeness.

    Uh, okay, so you have to go artificer 3 for construct essence. Same deal though.
    Last edited by bando; 07-19-2012 at 02:41 AM.

    Toons: Purr (I'm a Kitten), Awoo (I'm a Wolf), Diseasey (The Roach), Does (Not Compute)

  2. #2
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    I've thought about doing a 1 artificer/16 sorcerer life and then taking the last 3 levels as artificer for crafting levels on a dragonmarked human (this level split would let me hit all unbound shards next life nicely).

    In general it isn't a good idea in general though, 3 artificer for construct essence is too much dilution of sorcerer, best to just stick with WF or divine scrolls/wands.

    I'm fond of half-elf (paladin dilettante) for the +5 to saves and easy access to cure serious wands, ymmv.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feather_of_Sun View Post
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  3. #3
    The Werewolf Skavenaps's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by bando View Post
    Uh, okay, so you have to go artificer 3 for construct essence. Same deal though.
    Same deal?

    1-Runearms scales by artificer level. it will be usless with 3 levels of artificer.
    2-3 levels of artificers means no level 9 spells (lvl 18 for sorcs to get acceste to them).
    3-traps? so after you max con and cha you want to invest also on inteligence? with drow that get less points?

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