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  1. #21
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    i dunno i kinda wanna see something to this effect but not fully

    take out vendors minus general vendor and barkeep. Put in player made shops, where a player buys a space post all their items and set a base price. I know the plausibility of a player ran economy is not there, but it would be cool. heres how it works. You buy a booth and you can put any item you want into that booth and set a price. Players then can click on your booth *accessible in any house* and browse through the ares. Rather then visiting several booths you got a one stop shop (much like auction house without auction house fees) beginner players can sell to general vendors till they have enough plat to buy a small booth (cap of 25-items?) and can eventually buy bigger booths with higher sales. vip has access to all booth sizes for free (incentive), and those who dont wish to rent a booth can opt to buy one from the ddo store (100 tp for a small booth 25 item cap, 200 tp for a medium booth 60 item cap, 300 for a large booth 100 item cap, and 400 for a store unlimited items) if you want to sell your goods fast and get a better booth put your goods up cheap, if you want your **** sitting around for a while put them up for a high dollar amount.

    browsing the booths, this will be very similar to browsing the auction house. you get a side bar list with drop down menus and a level min/max option.

    Why this wouldnt replace auction house. lets say you find a rare item but you feel you can make 20k plat from it, so you set it at the auction house for 20k plat 25k buyout, this gives you the option of possibly making more money off of it then originally appraised.

    why this would be better then simply posting everything at ah. If you want to turn up profits then you dont go to ah, you can sell potions for 25 plat and get 25 plat, rather than the auction house cut being deducted. This booth system is more for basic items then it is for rare items.

    again i know this is not a feasible idea but it would be cool, but gotta factor in player greed >.>

    personally greed factors removed i sold a 1 mil pp epic scroll for 25k. why??!?!?!?!?! cuz rather than be greedy and ask for top dollar i sell for cheap so that my future group mates can be well equipped thats why. heck im not using that scroll and none of my guildies needed it so why not? but thats also how many like minded players would run their shop and make money, while the top dollar players are turning to auction house cuz they cant simply afford shop upkeep or business is bad

  2. #22
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    oh and they can still vendor trash stuff to barkeep and general vendor, so not too much damage would be done by this system, maybe keep the arrow vendor around also.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    And to illustrate my point, here's an Order of the Stick comic
    Ok, I was totally against this idea until you linked the OotS comic. Now I'm on board. If you link OotS, you must be cool and therefore whatever idea you had must be good.


    -Ozmar the Easily Persuaded
    I can has no signature. Alas!

  4. #24
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Therrias View Post
    You actually loot non-rare scrolls?
    I'm a sucker for the Loot-All button... until I get the "Your inventory is full", in which case I toss scrolls first.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gawna View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    2. Spell point balancing - the ability to carry mutiple stacks of scrolls has caused Turbine to develop content that presumes that people have them.
    Og, definitely not signed. Sure, make all the healers suck down pots because they can't buy scrolls anymore!
    Sounds like you agree with me that Turbine has developed content that presumes people have them. This idea wouldn't fly well if Turbine continued to base their content on the idea that healers have several hundred Heal scrolls on them.

    I would have no problem with Turbine adding a cool-down on Mneumonic pots, now that you mention it.

    Quote Originally Posted by OzmarDDO View Post
    Ok, I was totally against this idea until you linked the OotS comic. Now I'm on board. If you link OotS, you must be cool and therefore whatever idea you had must be good.


    -Ozmar the Easily Persuaded
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  5. 07-18-2012, 02:22 PM

  6. #25
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    I actually like this idea a lot. But I am realist enough to know that it has no prayer of ever being implemented. People want the easy I win options. They don't want to be dependent on other players or on their own resourcefulness. They just want to be able to quickly buy everything they might ever need to win in bulk and head out to "adventure".



    in principal

  7. #26
    Hatchery Hero Sonos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tshober View Post
    I actually like this idea a lot. But I am realist enough to know that it has no prayer of ever being implemented. People want the easy I win options. They don't want to be dependent on other players or on their own resourcefulness. They just want to be able to quickly buy everything they might ever need to win in bulk and head out to "adventure".



    in principal
    I have /not signed this and have not changed my mind, but you bring up a good point of virtually unlimited resources.

    There is a game that I won't mention where you group up on a boat in the water. At this time you can only take so many pots, rez feathers, so many spears, basically, so many expendables, this was a neat concept I will admit.

    Having said that, how many Elite-EE LoB's will be run when divines have to loot heal scrolls? My guess would be closer to 0.

    If you've earned the plat, you've earned the right to buy some magic.

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonos View Post
    If you've earned the plat, you've earned the right to buy some magic.
    I would agree with this, if DDO made it even a tiny bit hard to accumulate a ton of plat. But it is totally trivial to accumulate more plat than a character can hold in DDO. When I moved to my current server a couple of years ago, I had 2.5 million plat by the time my first character on the server was level 7! And I didn't get it from a crazy lucky drop. I got it by farming and selling collectables on the AH. Granted I was trying to make plat so I could start a guild and not trying to level up fast, but any newb could have done the same if they were willing to farm a little.

    No other MMO I have ever played makes it so ridiculously easy to accumulate a ton of money as DDO does. And the realtively low cap on how much plat you can hold (a bit over 4 mill) makes it almost imperative that you blow it on something.

    In any case, thanks for the respectful, if disagreeing, post.

  9. #28
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tshober View Post
    I actually like this idea a lot. But I am realist enough to know that it has no prayer of ever being implemented. People want the easy I win options. They don't want to be dependent on other players or on their own resourcefulness. They just want to be able to quickly buy everything they might ever need to win in bulk and head out to "adventure".



    in principal
    Aye, I agree with you. Doesn't stop me from dreaming, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sonos View Post
    ...Having said that, how many Elite-EE LoB's will be run when divines have to loot heal scrolls? My guess would be closer to 0.
    Maybe I need to find a different font - no one seems to have read this part.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    2. Spell point balancing - the ability to carry mutiple stacks of scrolls has caused Turbine to develop content that presumes that people have them.
    I don't know about you, but my divines hate standing around tossing Heal scrolls. But as long as people toss 'em like rice at a wedding, Turbine will continue to balance the quests/raids around that fact.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  10. #29
    Hero Gawna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_mad_jester_V View Post
    i dunno i kinda wanna see something to this effect but not fully

    take out vendors minus general vendor and barkeep. Put in player made shops, where a player buys a space post all their items and set a base price. I know the plausibility of a player ran economy is not there, but it would be cool. heres how it works. You buy a booth and you can put any item you want into that booth and set a price. Players then can click on your booth *accessible in any house* and browse through the ares. Rather then visiting several booths you got a one stop shop (much like auction house without auction house fees) beginner players can sell to general vendors till they have enough plat to buy a small booth (cap of 25-items?) and can eventually buy bigger booths with higher sales. vip has access to all booth sizes for free (incentive), and those who dont wish to rent a booth can opt to buy one from the ddo store (100 tp for a small booth 25 item cap, 200 tp for a medium booth 60 item cap, 300 for a large booth 100 item cap, and 400 for a store unlimited items) if you want to sell your goods fast and get a better booth put your goods up cheap, if you want your **** sitting around for a while put them up for a high dollar amount.

    browsing the booths, this will be very similar to browsing the auction house. you get a side bar list with drop down menus and a level min/max option.

    Why this wouldnt replace auction house. lets say you find a rare item but you feel you can make 20k plat from it, so you set it at the auction house for 20k plat 25k buyout, this gives you the option of possibly making more money off of it then originally appraised.

    why this would be better then simply posting everything at ah. If you want to turn up profits then you dont go to ah, you can sell potions for 25 plat and get 25 plat, rather than the auction house cut being deducted. This booth system is more for basic items then it is for rare items.

    again i know this is not a feasible idea but it would be cool, but gotta factor in player greed >.>

    personally greed factors removed i sold a 1 mil pp epic scroll for 25k. why??!?!?!?!?! cuz rather than be greedy and ask for top dollar i sell for cheap so that my future group mates can be well equipped thats why. heck im not using that scroll and none of my guildies needed it so why not? but thats also how many like minded players would run their shop and make money, while the top dollar players are turning to auction house cuz they cant simply afford shop upkeep or business is bad

    If I don't want AH tax taken out of in game funds, I have to pay real money for a stall? Uh, no thanks.
    Awnoo . Mayonnaise . Cellebrian . Gawnaball . Gawna . Gawnaderp .
    Gawnasorc . Mamadapolis . Gawnahjeal . Winnar .
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    Gawno is excrement; Gawna is excellent.

  11. #30
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    You actually loot non-rare scrolls?
    I loot everything. On my TRs I loot masterwork weapons from korthos chests.

    More platinum > less platinum. Under all circumstances.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  12. #31
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matuse View Post
    I loot everything. On my TRs I loot masterwork weapons from korthos chests.

    More platinum > less platinum. Under all circumstances.
    More times wasted dropping **** that you looted from your inventory to make space for higher value **** = less platinum.

    As for OP - this is a horrible idea. It would completely devalue UMD, would prevent many builds from being self-sufficient or able to solo, and would vastly widen the gap between "self-healing" (Divines/WF arcanes) and non-self-healing while also making it more expensive to play the former (pot-wise).

    /not signed * 1000

  13. #32
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by themoonbreaker View Post
    If we could craft wands and scrolls, I would sign this. But currently it is one of the game balancing plat sinks that keep the economy in check.
    Id say crafting is another.
    If the crafting system would allow creation of wands and scrolls, Id say go ahead, remove them all.
    I think we r heading in that direction anyway. Prices set by players would eventually balance out.
    Those who sell the ingredients and those who sell the end product would squeeze the users hard but lower prices when players just stop buying.

    Not oppossed to it and this half and half system we have now only confuses new players.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  14. #33
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post
    As for OP - this is a horrible idea. It would completely devalue UMD
    There are those who would say that UMD needs to be devalued. Personally, I'd rather that the other skills got some loving, but for the life of me have absolutely no idea how to make them as valuable as UMD currently is.

    The easiest solution, of course, is to devalue UMD.

    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post
    , would prevent many builds from being self-sufficient or able to solo, and would vastly widen the gap between "self-healing" (Divines/WF arcanes) and non-self-healing
    You make it sound like Divines and WF arcanes are the only self healers out there.

    Rangers? Paladins? Halflings? Monks? Artificers?

    Besides, I'm not saying to remove the scrolls/wands from the game, just the vendors that have an unlimited supply on hand.

    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post

    while also making it more expensive to play the former (pot-wise).

    /not signed * 1000
    Sigh - 3rd times the charm. Or counting the OP, 4th...

    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    2. Spell point balancing - the ability to carry mutiple stacks of scrolls has caused Turbine to develop content that presumes that people have them.
    Yes, the cow left the barn years ago, but it's not too late to invest in a better door. Not with Turbine's willingness to constantly modify old raids to make them relevant in the modern age.
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  15. #34
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    There are those who would say that UMD needs to be devalued. Personally, I'd rather that the other skills got some loving, but for the life of me have absolutely no idea how to make them as valuable as UMD currently is.

    The easiest solution, of course, is to devalue UMD.
    Be careful what you wish for. If Turbine decides to devalue UMD, the way that they'll do it is by dividing the number of skill points available to each class by two or double the DC needed for all skills to do something interesting.

    All skills. Not just UMD.

  16. #35
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    I can honestly say that this is one of the worst ideas I have ever read on these forums. I am a huge fan of self sufficiency, and the ability to buy scrolls is a huge factor in being self sufficient. If scrolls were to be removed from all vendors, it would make me seriously re-evaluate my decision to play this game. I love the fact that any character I make can become self sufficient, and not have to rely on hirelings or divines of questionable intelligence when I want to play the game. Taking out scrolls would severely hurt the game.

    /NOT signed.

  17. #36
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    I'd like to see scroll vendors removed completely, as it spoils several important game mechanics.

    1. Wizards ability to inscribe scrolls that they find - this is only used with level 8/9 spells, really. All the 1-7 spells can be bought from a vendor before leveling up, and then just select the ones that aren't for sale.

    2. Spell point balancing - the ability to carry mutiple stacks of scrolls has caused Turbine to develop content that presumes that people have them.

    3. Devaluing of class features - Who cares that Rangers/Paladins/Bards can cast Cure spells? Just splash Rogue/Bard/Arti and use Heal/Reconstruct scrolls. Why slot Teleport/Greater Teleport? They work just as well from scrolls.

    4. Devaluing of loot - scrolls found in chests now are the first to be sold to the bartender, and the first to be destroyed when inventory is full. I do get excited when I find Dimension Door scrolls, though.

    And to illustrate my point, here's an Order of the Stick comic
    When did the DDO Store hire you to sell more store Pots?

    Also, #1 would mostly effect solo players and people in small guilds, big guilds would just do what mine does with 8-9 scrolls and send them to a F2P mule that hold scrolls which can be passed out when needed.
    Last edited by Eladiun; 07-18-2012 at 10:14 PM.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  18. #37
    The Hatchery MRMechMan's Avatar
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    /Not signed

    I carry and use heal scrolls often. They are a great source of sp-free healing.

    Breaking any UMD/helf build that uses a heal scroll is thoughtless and terrible. Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

    UMD doesn't need devaluing. This game doesn't need less self healing options, it needs more. Buff the other skills, sure.

    Nerfing UMD doesn't make this game any better. It would absolutely make it worse. Devaluing your loot? Are you Fking high? Heal scrolls would be so rare that they would be useless as you couldn't muster up a stack of 10 to save your life.

    How many heal scrolls have I looted over the course of several years playing? Probably under 50. A heal scroll to use every 3 weeks, oh goodie.

    One of the worst ideas I have ever seen posted. I hope no developer reads this and decides to take action. This is exactly the kind of **** that ruins this game.

    I wouldn't mind SOME particular scrolls be absent but to do away with them completely is just duncecaptastic.

    Make them more expensive if you want but don't make them nonexistant.

    If I seem angry in this post it is because I am. That is how bad this suggestion is.

  19. #38
    Community Member Davelfus's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    and this is what would rly happen

  20. #39
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    You make it sound like Divines and WF arcanes are the only self healers out there.

    Rangers? Paladins? Halflings? Monks? Artificers?
    ... Rangers and Paladins are divine. Artificers are arcane. And I'm going to assume that the halfling suggestion was sarcastic, because I don't think anyone would really consider suggesting using three feats for a heal clickie...

    Also, I forgot to add in my first post - I've been playing DDO for a couple years now and my main is a rogue with high UMD. I've made a point to collect every Mass Heal scroll I find and save it in the bank. Current count is 11. Odds of finding a specific scroll are low - even Dimension Door, a lower level spell (and a scroll that many people had stockpiles of before it disappeared) goes regularly for over 10k a scroll on the AH. Heal scrolls would be worth more than that, and become completely impractical, and a lot of people would quit.
    Last edited by xveganrox; 07-18-2012 at 11:02 PM.

  21. #40
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    remove vendors(excpet crafting suppliers), all item drops and create an all crafted system.

    So a wiz would have to get paper, ink, and all spell components to write a scroll to use to scribe to his book.

    /sarcasm off

    /not signed

    You want that- go find a game that has that. DDO may be loosely bbased on DnD but it's still DnD.

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