i dunno i kinda wanna see something to this effect but not fully
take out vendors minus general vendor and barkeep. Put in player made shops, where a player buys a space post all their items and set a base price. I know the plausibility of a player ran economy is not there, but it would be cool. heres how it works. You buy a booth and you can put any item you want into that booth and set a price. Players then can click on your booth *accessible in any house* and browse through the ares. Rather then visiting several booths you got a one stop shop (much like auction house without auction house fees) beginner players can sell to general vendors till they have enough plat to buy a small booth (cap of 25-items?) and can eventually buy bigger booths with higher sales. vip has access to all booth sizes for free (incentive), and those who dont wish to rent a booth can opt to buy one from the ddo store (100 tp for a small booth 25 item cap, 200 tp for a medium booth 60 item cap, 300 for a large booth 100 item cap, and 400 for a store unlimited items) if you want to sell your goods fast and get a better booth put your goods up cheap, if you want your **** sitting around for a while put them up for a high dollar amount.
browsing the booths, this will be very similar to browsing the auction house. you get a side bar list with drop down menus and a level min/max option.
Why this wouldnt replace auction house. lets say you find a rare item but you feel you can make 20k plat from it, so you set it at the auction house for 20k plat 25k buyout, this gives you the option of possibly making more money off of it then originally appraised.
why this would be better then simply posting everything at ah. If you want to turn up profits then you dont go to ah, you can sell potions for 25 plat and get 25 plat, rather than the auction house cut being deducted. This booth system is more for basic items then it is for rare items.
again i know this is not a feasible idea but it would be cool, but gotta factor in player greed >.>
personally greed factors removed i sold a 1 mil pp epic scroll for 25k. why??!?!?!?!?! cuz rather than be greedy and ask for top dollar i sell for cheap so that my future group mates can be well equipped thats why. heck im not using that scroll and none of my guildies needed it so why not? but thats also how many like minded players would run their shop and make money, while the top dollar players are turning to auction house cuz they cant simply afford shop upkeep or business is bad