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Over the weekend, my guildie wants to run shroud, so 3 or 4 of us join a "fast" run. He's on a fighter, I'm on my 20 fvs/1 exaulted angel WF FvS who I just made a 2[2d6] holy burst silver greater lawful outsider bane gs I want to test, and my other guildie is on a 20 FvS evoker. Overall party has 8 melee, 1 arti, 2 fvs and a single sorc, and we enter on hard.
Part 1 is fine, part 2 is fine, maybe a small delay in taking out the bosses and the crystal was a bit slow. Part 3, all puzzles done, but 2 of them took a while to do including a 3x3 that I had to wait a while for someone to pick the lock so I could do it.
Part 4, everyone in asap, trash is killed asap. I'm in melee with mass heals on myself, +dots. Other fvs is dotting and helping heal. Rogue and monk keep jumping out of heals, but managed to stay alive, 1/2 the party runs out of blades, even though we never instructed them too Harry is at like 10%. No death in part 4, however, I note everyone asked for deadly (okay, maybe they all had dr breakers, i don't know for sure), and I've spend close to 3k mana, the other fvs is out, the sorc spent 1500.
This is where my problem lies and this is what I keep seeing in shroud and why I don't run them. For some reason, people are not teaching the arcanes to dump mana. They're not dotting (I didn't see the signs of either dot being triple stacked. Sorcs and wiz's are relying purely on SLA's far too much in shroud, I'm also seeing way too many shroud runs with no wiz's sorcs slots once 2 are in the party. I've got in straight up arguements with them via tell about why they can't dot or dump mana. They think crowd control is needed in part 4, it's not. Dump the mana, deal the damage, get him down asap and make the divines life easier.
While your hold and slower strategy make work well for under level hard/elites in getting ready for the boss fight, it's not as good for over level, epic/well geared players. It's aggrivating for me to dump 3000+ mana healing, dotting, all the while I'm doing melee damage, yet to see that the party leader would only take 2 arcanes and neither one dumps mana. More well played arcanes in the party dumping mana in part 4/5 makes it easier, on all difficulties. So no, I won't pug hard/elite shroud myself on my fvs's, I don't need the headache.