I'm bored already! LVL 25 wiz with a max destiny and a few in others for two twists. My FoD DC hits a 55 and SP is a 48. Sure I could get a bit higher SP with a heck of a lot of work but why?
Spidersilk robe - check. High high spell power - check. High lore on the eles I use - check. That which does not die instantly gets the mess knocked out of it. And I'm doing this all without items in my head, neck or wrist slots - I have nothing to put there that doesn't give me a buff I already have.
So why am I here? I mentioned to the devs before (and they agreed at the time) that mage gear needs a serious rework. All we can hope to obtain is +int items, a set of +12% lore items, >+90 damage enhancement item(s), +focus items and +hitpoints. This really isn't that many items especially with the slots and such that allow for stacking. And now, we have flex shards that make that even easier.
I'm far from the top, sure, though i think I'm close on intel at a 62 sustained (not counting limited temp buffs. With those I could max out at about 74). I don't want to grind for months and months just to add a few points here and there that really won't make a huge difference. So what's left to do?