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Ok to start with, there is no forum that I saw titled "general discussion", so I'd imagine something like this would go here. Anyways if not, feel free to move it or flame me, I really could care less.
I just wanted to know, what do people think of all these "reviews", I mean I search DDO reviews or even DDO in general on youtube and you get like 50 pages of "first-impressions" or "reviews", guess where the person is starting at? Korthos. Never gets outa korthos, never goes past the tutorial. I mean is it to much to ask for someone to post a good review of this beautiful game? It sickens me, then they go and say "yeah well, its ok, WoW is still better". Its like HOW IS IT BETTER? You pay SO much for WoW, its cartoony and garbage, has no originality. Its trash.
The only and I mean ONLY decent review of DDO i'v ever seen was the CynicalBrit(Totalbiscuit), he did I think 3 videos of mid level content. I'v never seen any other person do a decent review besides him, and if they have, its annotations, and 240p Quality with hardly any research, but sadly more than 99% of other reviewers. I speak not as a critic nor do I believe them. But I speak from personal exp from playing game both as f2p and p2p.
I remember the one review written on, what was it, mmo(something).com. God awful, made me sick that they'd let some idiot write that, and then the re-review blew to. No one even tries, yet they give WoW 10000/10. Its like saying CoD is the best FPS, when god sake, its the worst thing to ever hit the consoles, atleast Modern Warfare series is. But thats a rant for another site, and another forum.
I just wanna see is their any good reviews out there written by any intelligent people?
Share you're thoughts, your own reviews, whatever you'd like. I just wanna see what people have to say. The DDO community is one of the nicest, funniest, and helpful i'v ran into in my time of gaming, I might be young(17) but i'm hell of a nerd so i'v seen alot of gaming communities. And let me tell you, you guys are like the best, and League of Legends and CoD are without a doubt in my mind the WORST on the planet.