I am pondering which twists to add to my caster fvs using exalted angel
My main ideas are:
Draconic Incarnation
- Tier 1 - Draconic perception. Reflex is great - but I am unsure what darkvision does exactly.
- Tier 1 - Unearthly reactions. Reflex, dodge and the ability to tumble through enemies looks like the very best twist to me
- Tier 2 - School specialist. +3 dc to evoc looks pretty good.
Unyielding Sentinel
- Tier 1 - Brace for impact. Fort + all three saves look good.
So I guess I will go for three of these - which can be done fairly cheap as they are all low tier.
Please do comment with your ideas. I am definitely looking for input on better options even if they cost more fate points.