As I suggested in
this thread, I propose removing Toughness as a pre-requisite for the various AP Toughness lines. As mentioned in that thread, the feat is pretty much a "must have" which kinda limits character customization to a certain point. It definitely can't be made "free," (power creep) but neither should it be made useless. I think the following could be a rough idea of how to keep the feat attractive, but allow a bit extra survivability for those who don't want to take it.
My suggested implementation:
Racial Toughness:
-1: requires 14 con.
-2: 16 con
-3: Human (Greater) Adaptability: Con, Dwarf Con 1, WF Con 1
-4: Dwarf Con 2, WF Con 2
Fighter/Barb/Paladin Toughness:
-1: 14 con
-2: 16 con
-3: 18 con + Toughness Feat
-4: no other requirements, other than lvl 1-3
I think rangers should get two or three tiers of AP toughness as well.
Open to suggestions, tweaks, and critiques.