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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Remove xp penalties for being over the quest level for all epic quests

    Right now you have ppl avoiding going over lvl 23 because they know it will be harder to find groups.
    Level 25 toons will bring down the xp on lower lvl epic dungeons.
    Removing this xp penalty will give lvl 25's more groups with which to party.
    Currently, lvl 25's have great difficulty finding any groups to join and this shows extraordinary lack of foresight on Turbine's behalf.

    Remove xp penalties for being over the quest level for all epic quests.

  2. #2
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    The ONLY viable way to train once you take level 25 is to repeatedly do some of the shorter quests from the expansion over and over. The repetition penalty stops once you get to 25, so if you save quests like that until after you cap you can rake in the exp for your destinies. However, this is excruciatingly boring and it still doesn't solve the problem of being excluded from any and all groups with old epics.

  3. #3
    Community Member Morlen's Avatar
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    I don't even understand being level 25, honestly. My understanding going into the Xpack was that you would be level 20 + your epic destiny level. Thus, if you had full 5 levels of the active destiny unlocked you would be considered a level 25 but that wouldn't matter because you would no longer be gathering XP. However, once you activated a new destiny and started off at 0, you would be considered 20 for leveling and XP purposes.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morlen View Post
    I don't even understand being level 25, honestly. My understanding going into the Xpack was that you would be level 20 + your epic destiny level. Thus, if you had full 5 levels of the active destiny unlocked you would be considered a level 25 but that wouldn't matter because you would no longer be gathering XP. However, once you activated a new destiny and started off at 0, you would be considered 20 for leveling and XP purposes.
    There's class level which is separate from epic destiny level.
    You can be lvl 25 and start a new destiny at 0 but would be considered lvl 25 for the quest purposes.

    This means if you go to lvl 25, you won't be invited into a whole lot of groups and the only way you'll have of lvling up your destinies is by doing challenges and even then, if the group is doing a challenge lower than cr 25, you will give the group an xp penalty for being over the level of the quest.

    In other words, if you become level 25, you won't have anything to do but look at the social panel and twiddle your one wants you in their group because there are no lvl 25 quests.

    Poor planning on Turbine's part IMO, easily solved by removing that penalty on epic quests (allow lvls 20-25 to freely group together without any xp penalties on epics).

  5. #5
    Community Member Xynot2's Avatar
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    Kinda stupid to put XP penalties on anything Epic since you arent lv 21-25... you're lv 20 with 5 ED levels..

    /not signed

    There are enough quests to get XP from for your 5 epic levels. There are plenty of guild forums, DDO forums, DDO wiki, fansites and other resources for you to find them if you choose not to look on your own.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xynot2 View Post

    Kinda stupid to put XP penalties on anything Epic since you arent lv 21-25... you're lv 20 with 5 ED levels..

    /not signed

    There are enough quests to get XP from for your 5 epic levels. There are plenty of guild forums, DDO forums, DDO wiki, fansites and other resources for you to find them if you choose not to look on your own.
    I don't understand what the hangup is.
    Over the level xp penalties were designed to prevent higher lvl characters from carrying lower lvl characters through quests.

    A lvl 25 character that is at a lvl 0 destiny is actually less powerful than a lvl 23 character with a destiny nearly completed.

    Lvl 25's aren't going to necessarily carry lvl 21's-24's through the quest so the xp penalty is unnecessary and, in fact, hurt lvl 25's because they will not be able to find a whole lot of groups.

    You say signed and then not signed. Your post makes no sense to me...

  7. #7
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    Apparently some ppl are confused how epic destinies and character level are related.

    Character level and epic destiny level are COMPLETELY separate (totally unrelated with each other).

    You can be lvl 25 and have 0 lvl destinies on all your epic destinies.

    You can also be lvl 20 and have all epic destinies maxed to lvl 5.

    There is absolutely no relationship between the two except that you could lvl up your toon as your epic destiny levels up *if you chose to do so.*

  8. #8
    The Hatchery danotmano1998's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maximus123123 View Post
    Apparently some ppl are confused how epic destinies and character level are related.

    Character level and epic destiny level are COMPLETELY separate (totally unrelated with each other).

    You can be lvl 25 and have 0 lvl destinies on all your epic destinies.

    You can also be lvl 20 and have all epic destinies maxed to lvl 5.

    There is absolutely no relationship between the two except that you could lvl up your toon as your epic destiny levels up *if you chose to do so.*
    Past history on Beta development is what is being referred to.
    Please see This thread if you are interested.

    There are both good and bad points to both sides, which I endeavored to point out as clearly as possible.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude
    Dude, did you see they way that guy just pressed button 1? It was amazing! A display of skill unseen since the 1984 World Games where in the men's room, between events, a man washed his hands with such unbridled majesty that people were claiming the faucet he used was OP.

  9. #9
    Community Member V_mad_jester_V's Avatar
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    they can either take out xp penalty OR make more epic quest someone equivalent to their lever range persay

    carnival epics levels 20-21
    Von 22-23
    Fens and sentinels 23-24
    and sands 24-25

    which each relates to what order alot of people visit these areas during heroic levels

  10. #10
    Community Member Hathorian's Avatar
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    i totally agree with this. I won't take level 24 because I know i won't be able to find groups anymore. In fact, even at 23, I find that it is a lot more difficult to find groups....

  11. #11
    Community Member dng242's Avatar
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    The answer really needs to be content. The real problem is they added five levels to the system, but they didn't add enough content. What do we normally do when are leveled out? farm for gear on the high level quests. Those quests are normally at the current cap. There just aren't many of those now (or perhaps it makes more sense to note the lvl 25 gear isn't nearly as cool as old school Epic gear was from the normal gear).

    Of course, add to that, that you really don't get much of anything from 24 - 25 (no AP's no capstone, etc) and you end with a thud.

  12. #12
    Hero bronzelyre's Avatar
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    Default Release notes excerpt.

    An excerpt from the Update 14 patch 2 release notes:
    NEW: Players in CR 20 quests will have the spread between the quest CR and the max player level reduced by 1. In CR 21+ quests, the spread will be reduced by two. This will prevent over-level penalties caused by level 25 players running CR 20-23 quests.
    Not completely removing penalties but a partial fix for sure.
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