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  1. #1
    Community Member Bartholamew's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Feat input on a bear tank!

    So I am looking at my feats- I'm trying to build the best bear tank that I can, planning to 25. I feel like cleave/ great cleave are essential for clicky dps increase and multimob aggro, but I'm not -incredibly- married to them if someone tells me they HAVE to go and just aren't worth it. I have the feeling that Cleave/ GC are the secret to druid success but this is only from my play experience and as I haven't played DDO in multiple years I'll bow my head if there's a good argument. Okay, feats:

    1: Toughness
    1(H): Power Attack
    3: Cleave
    6 Great Cleave
    9: Natural Fighting
    12: Natural Fighting
    15: Natural Fighting
    18: Shield Mastery
    21: Epic Tougness (con 16+3+2 level ups for the 21 prereq)
    24: Improved Shield Mastery (unyielding sentinel- want to qualify for legendary sh mastery)

    I see Bulwark of Defense and I'd like to fit that in, though I'm not 100% what qualifies as a defensive stance. Any suggestions on changing the lineup, or does this work for the Beartank?

  2. #2
    Community Member ImmortalRush's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    I'm glad I found this thread. I was actually searching whether to go Cleave/Great Cleave or Empower/Heighten. My build will still be largely DPS worthy either way. But I was trying to figure out to go more mob bruising or better elemental spell damage. Here is my lineup for your review.

    Human 17 Druid/2 Monk/1 Fighter

    1 - Maximize
    1 - Quicken
    2 - Toughness
    3 - Augment Summoning
    3 - Power Attack
    4 - Shield Mastery
    6 - Cleave or Empower Spell
    9 - Great Cleave or Heighten
    12 - IC: Bludgeon
    15 - Improved Shield Mastery
    18 - Natural Fighting
    21 - Natural Fighting
    24 - Natural Fighting

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Icve thought about a 18/2 dry/ftr build using heavy wooden armor and wooden tower shield. With your ftr level have you thought to use these? Or is it not worth it to plan for them. Then on that note should I stick to leather and pickup dodge mobility? I've had good luck with ice storm in building aggro. Maybe not so much when grouping with a real caster?

    Just a thought

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Bear/Dire Bear forms do get a lot of AE innate attack abilities and you can combine them with druid AE spells as well. Think I'm skipping the PA/Cleave/Great Cleave feats in favor of making sure I hit the single target bosses that I need to by grabbing the Bludgeon Feats. Power Critical might be interesting too.

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