I took some data because it seemed like I was missing a lot with ranged. Here are some problems associated with it.
I became interested in this because my Monk archer was missing a lot also. I did some testing in the vale and shot some darkfang. My results were then garnished from manually looking at the combat long and transfering the data to excell. I then sorted acording to die to hit, bonust added, wheather it was a hit. Total (die + bonus). Here is what I got.
bonus die result critter total to hit
35 15 hit darkfang 50
31 19 hit darkfang 50
31 17 hit darkfang 48
34 14 hit darkfang 48
34 13 hit darkfang 47
31 15 hit darkfang 46
30 15 hit darkfang 45
31 10 hit darkfang 41
31 9 hit darkfang 40
30 8 hit darkfang 38
34 4 miss darkfang 38
35 3 miss darkfang 38
33 4 miss darkfang 37
34 3 miss darkfang 37
31 5 miss darkfang 36
31 5 miss darkfang 36
34 2 miss darkfang 36
31 4 miss darkfang 35
30 4 miss darkfang 34
31 3 miss darkfang 34
1 miss darkfang 1
1 miss darkfang 1
1 miss darkfang 1
1 miss darkfang 1
3+33 20 hit crit fail darkfang 20
20+32 20 hit crititcal darkfang 20
Now look upwards I began hitting at 38. But here was what I noticed I have 2 misses at 38 and 1 hit? I went back in game and looked at the combat log and sure enought I correctly transfered the data. How is this possible to miss twice on a 38 total and hit once?
I also noticed my about 50% miss on this run. But it look like I definitly have a window to hit which is at 38. But that window is shakey and thats strange.
I also noticed my Arcane archer arrow type bonus is not being applied to my to hit. I have a +2 bow and I used both +2 and +3 arcane archer arrows. Neither cause a change to my ability to hit. However with +3 to hit arrows if I swap out my +2 bow for my +5 bow My to hit increases from 31 to 34. A difference of 3 so if my arrows were dominant it would have only been an increase of 2 not 3 to hit. Which kinda negates one of the main reasons to go arcane archer. A good + to hit and damage reguardless of your bow type.
I also noticed my "wind howler bracers" bonus to hit are not working. I took off my +2 attack bonus goggles and left them off and my attack bonus went down by 2. However If I add or remove my "Wind Howler bracers" nothing happens at all. So I removed all my clothing items and then with just my bow and arrows I added and removed the bracers and still nothign happened. So unless a +2 bonus on my weapon over rides the bracers I think they are borked as well.
2nd test
I then later tested on a crimson foot slayer using my +2 hand wraps. The difference in bonuse to hit with my handwraps in the invnetory window below is +29 with handwraps where with my bow and same gear I have a +31 to hit. However you will notice the total to hit is much higher with my handwraps.
I recorded all the hits and this is the result.
cromson foot slayer
19 39 hit 58
19 39 hit 58
12 43 hit 55
15 39 hit 54
14 39 hit 53
19 33 hit 52
16 34 hit 50
12 38 hit 50
10 38 hit 48
17 29 hit 46
17 29 hit 46
15 31 hit 46
10 33 hit 43
2 39 hit 41
2 39 hit 41
7 33 hit 40
5 33 hit 38
8 29 hit 37
4 33 hit 37
5 29 hit 34
I was even hitting on a 2 or total hit with 34 on my handwraps. Where as with my Bow I was missing with any roll below 39 but unless . 38 being some strange excpetion with the bow that particular run.
What is strange here is that I seem to have better to hit with handwraps even though in my inventory window it shows I have worse to hit.
Well that and what I hit on is lower with my handwraps by at least 4 but I wasn't sure the other dark fang was a slayer so Ill have to test again.
3rd test
A bit more comprehensive set of data. Both my targets here were crimson foot scouts. same equiptmet except swaping from para +2 bow to +2 wraps The results follow.
paralyzing bow +2 crimsonfoot scout +31 to hit
14 43 hit 57
16 38 hit 54
17 33 hit 50
15 33 hit 48
15 33 hit 48
18 29 hit 47
17 29 hit 46
16 29 hit 45
11 33 hit 44
10 33 hit 43
9 33 hit 42
12 29 hit 41
11 29 hit 40
11 29 hit 40
2 38 hit 40
10 29 hit 39
9 29 hit 38
9 29 hit 38
8 29 hit 37
6 29 hit 35
6 29 hit 35
2 33 miss 35
5 29 miss 34
5 29 miss 34
5 29 miss 34
3 29 miss 32
2 29 miss 31
handwraps +2
crimsonfoot scout
19 39 hit 58
18 39 hit 57
19 34 hit 53
19 34 hit 53
11 39 hit 50
15 34 hit 49
9 39 hit 48
19 29 hit 48
9 39 hit 48
9 39 hit 48
18 29 hit 47
18 29 hit 47
11 34 hit 45
10 34 hit 44
15 29 hit 44
3 39 hit 42
13 29 hit 42
13 29 hit 42
13 29 hit 42
11 29 hit 40
10 29 hit 39
9 29 hit 38
9 29 hit 38
3 34 hit 37
6 29 hit 35
5 29 hit 34
5 29 hit 34
5 29 hit 34
4 29 hit 33
notice I hit at much lower values with the wraps than the bow on the same critter. If you get a hit or not definitly is defined by some set value but the bow dosn't match the wraps. And I would imagine this is a problem.
I decided to post this here as I didn't see any in this forrum and a lot of other people are complaining about it too.
Whoopsie just realized this is lamania bug reports. All my testing was done on the Main Server. Though this may still be a problem on the Lamania server as well. Anyone confirm?