notice, I did say feel.
Is druid under powered for DDO, just right or over powered?
no, clue...really too early to tell.
but this is why they feel nerfed.
1. Extremely limited armor selection.
2. Even more limited weapon selection. (half elf with Fighter Dili can get around this)
3. If you violate #1 you are subjected to a very harsh penalty.
you can add
The best druid spells come very late so splashing any class further delays good spells
and Druids get zero bonus feats.
you are basically forced to play...pure wolf build, pure bear build or pure caster build
with no variation. If you deviate even a are nerfed hard.
It is basically the most restrictive class in the game.
I think, too much so.
How do you fix this without over powering druids or make them less druid ?
There are a few options, but please do not think they need this entire list..they need maybe
one thing from the list.
Bonus feats. similar to arty or monk
Add Darkleaf armor types back to the loot drop list, dark leaf breastplate / halfplate
Modify drudic oath, if you violate it, you cannot change into an animal but you can still
throw spells with a casting time penalty - still no runearms, that is an arty thing.
add sling and spears to the game
also a feat or enhancement to reduce casting time penalty in animal form.
Druids could use 1 or at most 2 of the above things to give them some breathing room in developement.