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Thread: Duo Builds

  1. #1
    Community Member Arnez's Avatar
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    Default Duo Builds

    So... with new content out (and patch nerfs/bugs) I thought it may be time to re-ask this question rather than necro a thread with old advice:

    As a Husband/Wife team- what builds would you suggest for Duoing?

    What's worked for us so far- 18Bard/2Rogue & 20 Pally, 20Bard & 18Rogue/2Barb, 20Monk & 18Cleric/2Arty

    What we're considering- 20 Arty & 20 Druid (with Aug Summons on both), 20FvS & 20 Rogue.

    We're not interested in WF (and with the new changes/bugs, they're not that desirable anyways)

  2. #2
    Community Member Emurian's Avatar
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    Well it all depends on your playstyles really if you ask me, are you gonna TR the bard and pally in the new builds or make new first livers? It would be a bit of a shame not to make the best use of your passive past life feats imo.

    Now the best team imo is taking a wiz / sorc and the other cleric / fvs / spellsinger. This sortoff guarantees that no matter what group you end up the both of you hold [some of] the most important roles in the group, and are also able to make the biggest impact with setting the zerging pace. The wizard would also benefit most from the bard past life.

    I havent lvled a druid to high lvl myself so I can't say exactly the roles they fullfill or in how far they are able to heal stuff [though I expect them being able to keep a party alive that doesnt play stupid] I see the arti druid combo work, both have AOE spells and the like which can help clearing the bigger mobs. I think those 2 classes will synenergize better then the FvS rogue combo, the rogue will just blend in to much with the rest of the melee to really stand out. Your most likely better of taking a heavy melee instead that can serve as the healers anchor.

    I personally enjoyed tagging with my guildie his battle fvs while playing my barbarian monster build, we had no problems of clearing most content [aside the ones that contained trapps which required a pug rogue] Its a good thing to know that one of your mates will keep himself and you alive first on his priority list .

    But like I said before its all personal preference, it would be easier if you give an indication of how you like to play [cc / heal / dps / nuke] and find a combo based upon the point where you excel rather then sticking 2 classes together that will be byoh.

    Hope it gave you some ideas.


    Lelithh / Drazzhar

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnez View Post
    What's worked for us so far- 18Bard/2Rogue & 20 Pally, 20Bard & 18Rogue/2Barb, 20Monk & 18Cleric/2Arty

    What we're considering- 20 Arty & 20 Druid (with Aug Summons on both), 20FvS & 20 Rogue.
    Any of these combos should be workable, although I wouldn't splash barb on a rogue and I suspect you'll be disappointed at the ranged DPS of an arty-splashed cleric (presuming that's your intention). Oh, and summoning (still) sucks. Later levels I find is biased (somewhat unfairly IMHO) in favor of caster DPS; a pure sorc or wiz would probably do better than a lot of those builds.

    That said, my view is usually to go with what sounds fun to you, particularly for a static group, rather than what everyone else tells you is "best."
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    My husband and I play a FvS-Sorc combo. My FvS is focused on exceptionally high DCs and spell pen, his sorc is focused on insane burst damage. Generally he kills easy trash, I kill and/or kite harder trash, he tanks bosses. With both carry a compliment of buffs and debuffs. With the caster bases both covered it's also easy for us to bring in other people if there's a quest or raid we can't handle duo, or one that is simply much faster with a group of people beating on a boss.
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
    Nooby McNoobsalot
    Ghallanda Rerolled

  5. #5
    Community Member Arnez's Avatar
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    The 18Rogue/2Barb is actually one of Krythan's builds and is surprisingly good to play.
    The 18 Cleric/2Arty is a past life cleric. While DPS is not high, with proper repeaters & rune arms (plus the arty bonus for his Blade Barrier) I enjoy him more than the previous life as a pure cleric.

    Toying around with one set becoming a FvS & Sorc combo (as the wife wants to try a spellcaster)- I think having the 2 past life cleric feats will help my FvS with our Duoing.

  6. #6
    Community Member Valiance's Avatar
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    I know you said you're not interested in Warforge....but......

    I would go with a 20 WF Artificer and a 20 WF Wizard or Sorc. Man oh man. You'd have just about everything covered.

    Arti brings traps, blade barrier, high dps, and nice buffs, many construct focused (barkskin for WF only) and most importantly cross reconstructs.

    WF Sorc or Wiz brings insta kills, dot dps, the ability to get hp boosted by 10% via the artificer infuse spell (to tank), ability to accept heals from the arti and most importantly the ability to cross reconstruct the arti if he gets in trouble.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Default cleric druid

    Would it make since to take a level 18 cleric and mix it with 2 levels of druid? I have not played in 3 months and was wondering anybodys thoughts I play with a pure af arti and he does a lot of the work but I was wondering if it would help him
    Last edited by smiley2allen; 07-24-2012 at 08:17 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Son_of_the_South's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arnez View Post
    So... with new content out (and patch nerfs/bugs) I thought it may be time to re-ask this question rather than necro a thread with old advice:

    As a Husband/Wife team- what builds would you suggest for Duoing?

    What's worked for us so far- 18Bard/2Rogue & 20 Pally, 20Bard & 18Rogue/2Barb, 20Monk & 18Cleric/2Arty

    What we're considering- 20 Arty & 20 Druid (with Aug Summons on both), 20FvS & 20 Rogue.

    We're not interested in WF (and with the new changes/bugs, they're not that desirable anyways)
    Yes because WF are aweful. Arcanes can (almost instantly) repair themselvess, they have loads of immunities, inate (stacking) fortification, aweful hit point potential. I cant see WHY you would want to play a WF, they're soooo underpowered and undesirable....

  9. #9
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    2x helf monks with cleric dill. One light, one dark :P

  10. #10
    Community Member Belduroz's Avatar
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    With my tr-partner i've done the following one twice:

    Human 10 Paladin (DoS) / 9 Monk (dark) / 1 rogue with trapskills: defense is very good (high ac, insane saves, improved evasion), self-sufficiency is given (lay on hands, wholeness of body, UMD), some damage is added by 9 dark-monk (touch of death), even in defender-stance the running speed is still increased by 5%, can use either handwraps or shortswords (although wraps are recommended for touch of death) - alternative is 12 Pally, 7 monk (light), 1 rogue with less dps, but better overall defense in very high levels and light monk buffs for more versatility and capable of any weapon you want to you use since you're not so focused on ki-strikes anymore.

    paired with

    Pure sorc, human. If you have tr-gear you should be able to use no-fail healscrolls beginning at lvl 10-13. And you have what the pally is missing the most: insane damage-output. Best element in my opinion is acid, but except for fire in high level the differences aren't that huge, so just take the element you like most.
    Belduros // Hazord // Cany // Tyor // Deyra // Yannec // Rawnah // Teyrah // Jaheyra

  11. #11
    Community Member
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    If you really want to avoid WF, then I suggest 2 rogue 18 wizard human - 20 half orc monk. You'd both have evasion, good saves, self healing and self sufficiency.

    2 undead wizards specced in different elements would also be pretty strong. Any paring of divine and arcane will work very well.

  12. #12
    Community Member Arnez's Avatar
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    OOoo- the 2 helf monks could be interesting.

    At least one of us will actually try a spellcaster (human sorc) on one set of our duo TR's.
    The only problem we'll have with that is we pretty much duo ONLY (since we can make our own game-time) and have to be pretty self sufficient and manage/ignore our own traps.

    - Also- not Dissing WF's. I am open to going WF on one of my builds, but it seems the best thing would be for both of us to be WF and my wife absolutely hates how they look.

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