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  1. #1
    Community Member AdamSmith's Avatar
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    Jul 2011

    Talking CON-maxed Druids are the best?

    my druid build with maxed CONstitution, based off the Healings easy build for favored souls

    20 Half-Elf Favored Soul

    Past Lives (optional):
    3x paladin (healing amp), then 3x barbarian (hp), then 3x ranger (elemental resist), 3x Sorcerer (sp), 3x Favored Soul (sp), then etc.

    stats for 32-point build at level 20 (minus tomes, feats, enhancements):
    8 strength
    8 dexterity
    23 constitution
    8 intelligence
    18 wisdom
    8 charisma

    34 and 36 point builds? increase strength or intelligence.

    use +2 tomes for all stats anyway because they're everywhere

    maxed concentration
    1 point in tumble to use tumble
    maxed balance
    rest whereever you prefer (I put my spare points in haggle ^^)
    UMD? Well if you want to use teleport or raise dead scrolls yes.

    monk dilletante, empower, empower healing, maximize, quicken, toughness, shield mastery, improved shield mastery

    all healing amp
    level 2 prestige nature's warrior
    Natural adept capstone
    healing stuff only the potency, dont care about the crit
    cold/acid stuff nearly maxed
    1 con
    toughness maxed
    human versatility 1
    other stuff not fleshed out yet

    gear (this is just a copy and paste, needs revision):
    goggles of conc opp/hp
    pirate hat sup potency 6/balance15; blank helm of large guild augment slot (hp)
    electric absorb 33% trinket; stalwart trinket as soon as i get around to making one
    epic envenomed cloak (toughness)
    rakhir's sash
    thamor's ring (healing amp); anathema
    epic charged gauntlets (immunity to fear); epic bramble casters (not augmented, probably 6 str is best)
    firestorm greaves; striding 30% random boots
    rakhir's ring (2 con)
    bracers of the glacier
    epic cavalry plate (heavy fort) (need something else for druids)
    levik's defender; levik's defender #2 (need something else for druids)

    conc opp bastard sword (healing amp, 1 str, healing amp)
    Divine power clickies

    The goal of this build is to tank (in bear form) with high hit points, Damage Reduction, Physical Resistance Rating, and Healing Amp. This build uses uses the heal spell to self-heal. As for damage, there's storm of vengeance and the creeping cold line of spells.

    This is a work in progress. Originally, I was going to build one of those STR or melee-type druids but then I remembered how much my WF STR-based favored soul sucked. After I switched to a CON-based Favored Soul, the gameplay experience was much better.

    Probably, the worst thing about a CON-maxed druid is the low spell point pool from levels 1 to 20. But with epic destinies this may not matter. Druids have the same spell points as clerics and we've seen CON-based cleric builds floating around so why not a CON-based druid too. And druids don't even need to worry about Charisma as much.

    Other things to consider:
    1) Lack of reincarnate scrolls? I haven't found a vendor for these yet. I like to be able to rez multiple people fast when needed.
    2) Druids can currently use mass cure moderate wounds scrolls but I think those mass cure spells are missing from their regular spell lists.

    Please comment with objections and/or improvements. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Are you trying to make a bear, wolf, caster, or melee natural/elemental type druid?

  3. #3
    Community Member Brennie's Avatar
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    Jun 2006


    If you're working on a bear tank, whynot put points in intimidate? Some bear-form "Spells" use Intimidate, and there is an enhancement line to boost your PRR with successful intimidate or intimidate-like effects.

  4. #4
    Community Member Chimeran1's Avatar
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    Apr 2008


    Will work as a caster, just like arcane WF all intel and constitution.
    Won't work as a feral Druid, strength too low and the flame sword is utter rubbish, also with all the new weapons introduced, no way would you want to miss out on those.

    Feral go strength and con ( 14 dex, and 2 levels Monk, evasion is a must for any tank IMHO )
    Caster wisdom and con

    The absolute worst thing going for Feral Druids right now is using spell points for bear and wolf natural attacks, it makes no sense to me.
    Druid uses spell points to change form already.
    Switch the form spells to level abilities or create an enhancement line that reduces the spell cost for form attacks.
    Last edited by Chimeran1; 07-14-2012 at 04:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member AdamSmith's Avatar
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    Jul 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Brennie View Post
    If you're working on a bear tank, whynot put points in intimidate? Some bear-form "Spells" use Intimidate, and there is an enhancement line to boost your PRR with successful intimidate or intimidate-like effects.
    I tried the intimidate thing with the enhancement and you'll get a PRR buff simply by Activating intimidate. It doesn't matter if the intimidate is successful or not. Also, remember half-elfs get 2 intimidates so this works great!

  6. #6
    Community Member Inferno346's Avatar
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    Even if you don't use the evasion/stances, 2x monk splash is probably more powerful than pure for the 2 toughness feats for this build. I don't know much about druids, though.

    Maybe even 17/2/1ftr for the full intim/shield mastery.
    Thelanis: Takhysys, Tenauch, Vitriolus, Kalav, Leprous

  7. 07-14-2012, 05:34 PM

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