I've seen a reasonable amount of people upset about the to-hit thing, Really no big deal to me most of my characters are casters or 3/4th base attackers so I welcome the ability to hit when I shouldn't be. (perhaps a little too much I rolled a 7 +3 and hit on my sorcerer in ruins of Threnal wilderness, sure only did like 5 damage but it was enough to finish something off)
In fact I do believe regardless of your hit bonus you will have at least a a 25% chance to hit. 5% because you always hit on a nat 20 and +20% more for proficiency. The only thing I'm not a big fan of is getting +1 attack for weapon focus! (seems plain silly and just a pain feat your forced to take sometimes, and would not touch with a 10 ft pole otherwise)
Perhaps the base to hit % should be +10% (giving 15% min) and each weapon focus adds another 5% (giving it its original effect back) so that fighters would be the only ones with +25% extra (and so I don't feel like a chump for spending those 3 feats )