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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    I think you may have a hoarding problem.

    How many of those things do you use every quest? How many do you use most quests? What do you use only in a blue moon (that isn't an emergency)?

    What potions do you have? And why are you mixing caster + melee stuff? If you're a caster you don't need half the stuff you are carrying (Cleric/FvS doesn't need DW clickies, Reconstruct, etc.; Arcane doesn't need GH, Teleport, GT, Planar Gird, Draconic, etc.).

    You should only need 7 or 8 potions: Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Poison, SF potions, Yugoloth potions, and maybe Barkskin (assuming you're melee). And unless you chug SP potions you only need one stack ... but if you are a melee chances are you don't need SP potions (ranger? paladin?)

    Why Heal and Reconstruct scrolls? Unless you are an Artificer that doesn't make much sense.

    Why Stoneskin clickies? If you have the UMD why not a wand of it? Besides, DR in this game is next to useless, now. PRR is where the damage mitigation is at.

    I think you really need to look at your inventory and clean it out. You may have some redundancy that you don't need (such as Raise Dead Scrolls + Resurrection Scrolls or Restoration + Greater Restoration, or 5 stacks of Major/Greater/Lesser/Minor Mnemonic potions; pick just one and clear out the rest).
    Fleshie sorcerer.

    - Heal scrolls well, somehow I need to heal :P
    - Recon is one stack to heal those WF.
    - Teleport IS needed :P
    - GH is to buff the party usually, 1 Planar gird and 1 Draconic are for me, enough for most quests. I don't carry GH spell.
    - 2 DW clickies is no-brainer if you solo every now and then, and I do.
    - What PRR on a caster? 10 free DR is still 10 DR. 200/160 Points of stoneskin are nice. Might agree that the Epic Seal of Earth is enough.
    - Only Raise Dead, no Resurrection.
    - GR is for party, Restoration is for myself when I have neg levels.
    - Only 2 Stack of Mana pot.
    - I have also Cure Serious Wound pots, they heal for ~50 with my Heal Amp.

    If I try REALLY hard to clean it, leaving home a stack of Mana pots, Seal of earth etc I might get 3-4 more spaces, for a total of 12-13.

    I still think a new bag would be better

  2. #22
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devilteck View Post
    There is a technical term for this and it is called COMPLETIONIST PROJECT and there is help to be had. We'll get ya through this lmao.

    Fixed that for yah

    Please more bags and bank space when you get done with the enhancement update.

    Raiding and doing epics in the meantime, will be way overflowing by the time Swordmage? gets here...

  3. #23
    Community Member LordRavnos's Avatar
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    I never understand how people have so limited pack space. I have yet to buy the 6th bag and I have tons of space. However, I am not against more bags at all, because if we got access to more bags I might carry more situational stuff because I could. As for now, I just carry what I need, and a little more for whats sometimes needed and useful, and that's it. But, I also get the feeling I am in the minority so +1 for more bags, make it so
    Quote Originally Posted by Varis View Post
    Is that a trick question? A nuker should heighten, empower and maximise flushing the toilet
    Quote Originally Posted by fmalfeas View Post
    It will do damage like taking a point-blank meteor swarm in the crotch. You hear me people, stop encouraging Turbine to meteor swarm crotches!

  4. #24
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    I also don't have the issue that many people seem to have of running out of space but I am also a newish player and don't have tons of kit/special items from raids or wherever else. The game has so many different ways to play it to suit pretty much anybody in what they want to do so I can understand how people can run out of space.

    So I also sign for more back pack space and more shared bank to begin with (20 slots is nothing could do with being 30 at least).

    For archer types I would like to see a quiver added which can hold only 1 type of arrow at a time but has a limit of say 5000 arrows or something like that (spam arrows basically) this would help with cutting down the amount of quivers people carry I think. This could be added via favor from somebody such as House D (since they already do arrows etc) or maybe The Twelve since it's a magic item (even make it a named item which we have to farm for or something).


  5. #25
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    Are you basing that on my signature or myDDO? Because I have about 15 or more characters across two accounts. A couple of whom are TWF.

    I think you may have a hoarding problem.

    How many of those things do you use every quest? How many do you use most quests? What do you use only in a blue moon (that isn't an emergency)?

    What potions do you have? And why are you mixing caster + melee stuff? If you're a caster you don't need half the stuff you are carrying (Cleric/FvS doesn't need DW clickies, Reconstruct, etc.; Arcane doesn't need GH, Teleport, GT, Planar Gird, Draconic, etc.).

    You should only need 7 or 8 potions: Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Poison, SF potions, Yugoloth potions, and maybe Barkskin (assuming you're melee). And unless you chug SP potions you only need one stack ... but if you are a melee chances are you don't need SP potions (ranger? paladin?)

    Why Heal and Reconstruct scrolls? Unless you are an Artificer that doesn't make much sense.

    Why Stoneskin clickies? If you have the UMD why not a wand of it? Besides, DR in this game is next to useless, now. PRR is where the damage mitigation is at.

    I think you really need to look at your inventory and clean it out. You may have some redundancy that you don't need (such as Raise Dead Scrolls + Resurrection Scrolls or Restoration + Greater Restoration, or 5 stacks of Major/Greater/Lesser/Minor Mnemonic potions; pick just one and clear out the rest).
    Because not everyone is thinking only about themselves.
    I don't need raise dead, heal, restoration, elemental weapons and reconstruct for myself on palemaster, but I carry them because it might be needed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    Because not everyone is thinking only about themselves.
    I don't need raise dead, heal, restoration, elemental weapons and reconstruct for myself on palemaster, but I carry them because it might be needed.
    Aye, do i really need those 4 planar girds or 4 deathward clicky goggles or 3 greensteel raise dead clickies for myself?

  7. #27
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    Oh, and what about that stack of 50 thieves tools Fawn carries around even though she is not a Rouge?
    People do run out of such stuff!

    Or the sp pots for when a raid goes wrong?

    Or that extra loot she did not have time to vendor/deconstruct cause someone else wants us to hurry?

  8. #28
    Community Member Anthios888's Avatar
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    I'd delete so many level 20 characters if I could put a bag or bank slot onto one of my alts for each character I destroyed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post
    it might make more sense for the player to re-roll.

  9. #29
    Community Member Xezrak's Avatar
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    Could definately use more inv. space
    "Focus on Adventure Not Grind"

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tid12 View Post
    Please. Just ONE. Got sick of running around with NINE empty spaces. It's not even enough for a shroud.
    Geesh how much s*** do you carry?

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionHearty View Post
    Geesh how much s*** do you carry?
    My "s***" is listed above if you read.

  12. #32
    Community Member arkonas's Avatar
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    i thought we were getting more shared bank in 16 lol

  13. #33
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    I have half a page free at most on my melee, who by the way, is a THF. No, I am not a hoarder. Yes I have a 6th backpack slot, and yes I use everything that makes up the 5.5 pages. An extra slot would be nice!

  14. #34
    Community Member Hulligan's Avatar
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    My Main who carries he most of all my toons have 2 complete pages free and I haven't yet bought the 6th slot.
    TWF, rogue with high UMD so she has all that "could be useful / might come handy" scrolls, wands, potions, thieves tools, twf weapon sets for trash/undead/construct/devil beaters.

    People having inventory issues are those who cary things they *think* that will be useful but actually not using them (but they still believe and stick to the idea they are neccessary for everyday questing).
    I have solid fog clicky too... but not taking it with myself only when I know I'll be goin to somewhere I will NEED it.
    You get the idea.

    The rest are gatherers, piling up garbage they will may or may not use for 2 day whent they TR into (*insert desired class here*) so they can use it between lvl (*insert lvl range here*). Meh :/

    On the other hand !

    There IS a reason I must agree with:
    The game is growing / expanding month after month, newer and newer stuff released and put into game, new spells, clickies, items etc etc ... and yet no space to put the the new stuff... For this (and only this) reason:

    -- CANNITH --
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  15. #35
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    Thank you Hulligan.

    That is precisely my biggest concern about getting epic levels.

    The level cap will increase again in the next 5 years to lvl 30,
    probably a lot sooner than that, perhaps within 3 years?

    The game is expanding greatly which is wonderful.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by arkonas View Post
    i thought we were getting more shared bank in 16 lol
    Looks like more shared bank space in update 16???

    Well that is an easy fix probably compared to restructuring banks/backpack,
    and a good step forward.

    Thanks Devs, more needed in this area, but a sincere thanks anyway.

  17. #37
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  18. #38
    Community Member Persiflage's Avatar
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    Inventory space, pshaw, even my Artificer has 35 slots free and he's worse than freakin' Batman for carrying gizmos for all occasions.[*]

    We need more bank space. More SHARED bank space. More shared, SEARCHABLE bank space. And better stacking.

    [*] Granted, though, that TWF is a major drain on the "space economy". My Tempest is as bad as my Arti (or my Bard come to think of it); heaven only knows what would happen if I tried to make a TWF Bard. Ouch.
    Crime in multi-storey car parks: it's wrong on so many levels.

  19. #39
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    I would also like to see that Thieves Tools can be put in to stacks of say 1000 instead of 50.


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