Are you basing that on my signature or myDDO? Because I have about 15 or more characters across two accounts. A couple of whom are TWF.
I think you may have a hoarding problem.
How many of those things do you use every quest? How many do you use
most quests? What do you use only in a blue moon (that isn't an emergency)?
What potions do you have? And why are you mixing caster + melee stuff? If you're a caster you don't need half the stuff you are carrying (Cleric/FvS doesn't need DW clickies, Reconstruct, etc.; Arcane doesn't need GH, Teleport, GT, Planar Gird, Draconic, etc.).
You should only need 7 or 8 potions: Lesser Restoration, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Remove Poison, SF potions, Yugoloth potions, and maybe Barkskin (assuming you're melee). And unless you chug SP potions you only need one stack ... but if you are a melee chances are you don't need SP potions (ranger? paladin?)
Why Heal and Reconstruct scrolls? Unless you are an Artificer that doesn't make much sense.
Why Stoneskin clickies? If you have the UMD why not a wand of it? Besides, DR in this game is next to useless, now. PRR is where the damage mitigation is at.
I think you really need to look at your inventory and clean it out.

You may have some redundancy that you don't need (such as Raise Dead Scrolls + Resurrection Scrolls or Restoration + Greater Restoration, or 5 stacks of Major/Greater/Lesser/Minor Mnemonic potions; pick just one and clear out the rest).