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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Druid meele dps with evasion suggestions

    My personal build for druid dps with wolf form suggestions?

    ikrisar Baenre
    Level 20 Lawful Neutral Half-Elf Male
    (2 Monk / 18 Druid)
    Hit Points: 369
    Spell Points: 1252

    BAB: 14/14/19/24
    Fortitude: 18
    Reflex: 12
    Will: 20

    Starting Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
    (36 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
    Strength 16 26
    Dexterity 14 16
    Constitution 16 18
    Intelligence 8 10
    Wisdom 16 22
    Charisma 8 10

    Tomes Used
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7

    Starting Feat/Enhancement
    Base Skills Modified Skills
    Skills (Level 1) (Level 20)
    Balance 2 7
    Bluff -1 0
    Concentration 7 28
    Diplomacy -1 0
    Disable Device n/a n/a
    Haggle -1 0
    Heal 3 6
    Hide 2 3
    Intimidate -1 0
    Jump 7 31
    Listen 3 6
    Move Silently 2 3
    Open Lock n/a n/a
    Perform n/a n/a
    Repair -1 0
    Search -1 0
    Spot 3 6
    Swim 3 8
    Tumble 4 19
    Use Magic Device n/a n/a

    Level 1 (Druid)
    Feat: (Half-Elf Dilettante) Half-Elf Dilettante: Rogue
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Monk
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness

    Level 2 (Druid)
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Wolf

    Level 3 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell

    Level 4 (Druid)

    Level 5 (Druid)
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Bear

    Level 6 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell

    Level 7 (Druid)

    Level 8 (Druid)
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Dire Wolf

    Level 9 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) natural fighting

    Level 10 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Power Attack

    Level 11 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness

    Level 12 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons

    Level 13 (Druid)
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Dire Bear

    Level 14 (Druid)

    Level 15 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) natural fighting
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Fire Elemental

    Level 16 (Druid)

    Level 17 (Druid)

    Level 18 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) natural fighting
    Leveel 19 (Druid)
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Water Elemental

    Level 20 (Druid)
    Enhancement: Druid Aggravate I
    Enhancement: Druid Aggravate II
    Enhancement: Druid Beastial Nature I
    Enhancement: Druid Beastial Nature II
    Enhancement: Druid Beastial Nature III
    Enhancement: Druid Fatal Harrier
    Enhancement: Druid Nature's Warden I
    Enhancement: Druid Nature's Warrior I
    Enhancement: Druid Reaving Roar
    Enhancement: Druid Shifting Rake I
    Enhancement: Druid Shifting Rake II
    Enhancement: Druid Vengeful Hunter I
    Enhancement: Druid Vengeful Hunter II
    Enhancement: Druid Vengeful Hunter III
    Enhancement: Improved Rogue Dilettante I
    Enhancement: Improved Rogue Dilettante II
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Strength I
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery II
    Enhancement: Way of the Patient Tortoise I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Druid Strength I
    Enhancement: Druid Strength II
    Enhancement: Druid Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Druid Wisdom II
    Enhancement: Druid Wisdom III
    Enhancement: Druid Toughness I
    Enhancement: Druid Toughness II
    Enhancement: Druid Toughness III
    Enhancement: Druid Toughness IV
    Enhancement: Half-Elf Improved Trap Sense I

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Your 14 Dex does nothing (unless you plan on picking up Precision in epic levels). Optionally, you could just as easily leave starting Dex at 10, and pick up a +3 tome to qualify as well. +3 tomes seem to be dropping like candy in u14 content. I've pulled 3 personally, and have been gifted 2 from guildies at this point in time.

    Drop Empower Spell and Extend Spell for Maximize Spell and Quicken Spell.

    Maybe drop the 2nd toughness for Improved Sunder, or Precision. (or both when epic levels) Bypassing 25%+ fort on bosses would really out for party tactics, and landing more sneak attack dice.

    The rest looks pretty good.

    Misc Notes: I like the monk splash for evasion, but I couldn't bring myself to taint my first druid. The evasion will offer a lot of survivability during leveling. I went human for the extra feat, and desire to have the versatility to flip my AP's around to if I wanted to change PREs at any time.

    The following link is my project as a pure druid:
    Last edited by UrbanPyro; 04-01-2014 at 12:20 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by UrbanPyro View Post
    Your 14 Dex does nothing (unless you plan on picking up Precision in epic levels). Optionally, you could just as easily leave starting Dex at 10, and pick up a +3 tome to qualify as well. +3 tomes seem to be dropping like candy in u14 content. I've pulled 3 personally, and have been gifted 2 from guildies at this point in time.

    Drop Empower Spell and Extend Spell for Maximize Spell and Quicken Spell.

    Maybe drop the 2nd toughness for Improved Sunder, or Precision. (or both when epic levels) Bypassing 25%+ fort on bosses would really out for party tactics, and landing more sneak attack dice.

    The rest looks pretty good.

    Misc Notes: I like the monk splash for evasion, but I couldn't bring myself to taint my first druid. The evasion will offer a lot of survivability during leveling. I went human for the extra feat, and desire to have the versatility to flip my AP's around to if I wanted to change PREs at any time.

    The following link is my project as a pure druid:
    ty for help, but dex 14 is good for have good reflex and keep the remaining points that are useful beyond, for precision is good idea....evasion is important forever for me i hav barbarian pure and i hate when i take more damage for spell or traps bur your build is very nice

  4. #4
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    If you really want evasion to help you will need to boost that reflex save you will start to fail a lot later with one that low.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  5. #5
    Community Member AtomicMew's Avatar
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    There is even less reason to take the 18th level of druid compared to even a cleric. Add in a level of fighter or the third monk level. Stunning fist also supposedly works with wolf form. If this is true, then it's a must have for this type of build.

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AtomicMew View Post
    Stunning fist also supposedly works with wolf form.
    Worked for me on Lami; haven't tested to see it works on live too.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
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    I'm running a monk splash at the moment and can confirm that stunning fist works in wolf/bear form. And given the many incentives wolves in particular have to max their wisdom, SF is quite effective even at high levels.

    I don't agree that a 14 DEX is needed for evasion. On a class that has poor reflex saves, 14 is just too low to provide meaningful evasion in content where you actually need it (elite/epic) and is only helpful in content where you don't (casual/normal). However, you do need an initial DEX of 13 for rogue dilly, which provides a nice damage boost for stun-based characters. What surprises me is that anybody would take rogue dilly and then forgo precision, which lets you occasionally dish out sneak attack damage to undead, constructs, etc. Unless the OP is optimally geared and planning to run with PA constantly on, precision needs to find a place in this build somewhere, probably in place of extend (or even PA if extend is for whatever reason seen as key to the build).

    My last comment concerns skills. While jump is very useful, I can't see maxing it on a character who can cast the jump spell. Balance might be a better place to put those skill points, in my view at least.
    Last edited by jsaving; 07-17-2012 at 12:59 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsaving View Post
    I'm running a monk splash at the moment and can confirm that stunning fist works in wolf/bear form. And given the many incentives wolves in particular have to max their wisdom, SF is quite effective even at high levels.

    I don't agree that a 14 DEX is needed for evasion. On a class that has poor reflex saves, 14 is just too low to provide meaningful evasion in content where you actually need it (elite/epic) and is only helpful in content where you don't (casual/normal). However, you do need an initial DEX of 13 for rogue dilly, which provides a nice damage boost for stun-based characters. What surprises me is that anybody would take rogue dilly and then forgo precision, which lets you occasionally dish out sneak attack damage to undead, constructs, etc. Unless the OP is optimally geared and planning to run with PA constantly on, precision needs to find a place in this build somewhere, probably in place of extend (or even PA if extend is for whatever reason seen as key to the build).

    My last comment concerns skills. While jump is very useful, I can't see maxing it on a character who can cast the jump spell. Balance might be a better place to put those skill points, in my view at least.
    My Druid isn't splashing Monk, or an evasion class, and dex will be 13 base/24 final and will easily hit 40+ reflex. 50+ depending on how I twist.

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