I'm playing a multi-TR toon with 2xSorc, 2xFvS, and 2xMage past-lifes. My final life will be an evoker favored soul with starting INT of 9 for an extra skill point. So far I have always gone with max concentration and remaining points in balance.
After playing a mage quite a bit, I have come to like shadow walk and it looks like a good match for kiting through blade barriers. From wiki:
So I'm considering of replacing concentration with UMD. Not only because of shadow walk, but because to me it seems like everything without quicken or fast-casting time gets interrupted anyway due to high damage.Transports you to the edge of the Material Plane where it borders the Plane of Shadow. While this spell is active, you receive a 40% Enhancement bonus to run speed, and your outline appears faint and you are harder to hit (50% Concealment). Attacking another creature, or otherwise interacting with objects shunts you back to the Material Plane. 15 minute duration.
The questions:
1. Replace concentration with UMD or not? Quicken is taken for granted for slow casts.
2. Can a FvS with 3 skill points per level reach 39pt UMD in a convinient way? I have the +1 UMD collector's item.
3. Post-u14, is it true that maximize applies to scrolls as well? Is it the same for quicken?
4. What's the point of keeping concentration post-u14?