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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Crashing/Freezing Post Update

    Since the new update I crash and or freeze soon after logging in, even if I change characters.
    I've rebooted, reset my preferences and nada.
    Put in a help ticket, got a quick "send us your dxdiag file", replied...a couple of hours ago.
    I run directx9, and it's set for directx9 in my settings.


  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    I'm having the same sort of issues. I can't stay logged in long enough to play through the entrance to waterworks. This has been consistent for 2 days, and off and on issues right before the patch.

    Found the Awesomium process while trying to trouble-shoot it. ****ed me off. 3rd party app for handling browsers = too lazy to develop your own. CC being processed through the DDO store and account specific stuff here, and the app shows the details on their what is it page.

    Either way, I don't like it, and I suspect it's part of the issue, if not the cause directly through a security leak. Feels like a hack attempt when it goes down to me.

    Effectively, this is what I get: Latency issue(yellow) no movement except for spinning in a circle, latency(red), with much the same effect, disconnect shortly after with network access loss requiring disable and re-enable of ethernet controller to reconnect.

    While this is happening, my memory use for the client exe is what I consider high ~1'727'...(unknown). The client is getting a network wait call even when set to realtime priority with Steam set to Above Normal priority. Nothing else is running except maybe a process of IE as I try to connect and search awesomium before the client crashes, Steam, and some background stuff.

    Before the patch I had random latency issues that occaisionally resulted in disconnects, but were often fixed simply by ctrl+alt+del and starting Task Manager then returning to the game client.

    Also, on install, the client does something weird first-time boot. It throws an exception periodically of a 'box not found' or something. This would be for the agreements; first and or second. Once past those, it seems to start fine.

    Personally, I think the code is getting really lax and QC is out to lunch. Getting a little ****ed off. 45$ for an 'expansion' which isn't really an expansion, but sort of a pre-access package, various pay2play features to get packs and some boosters, and I've forked over too much money, (this game is a leach), only to find I can't even play.

    sincerely irritated and thinking you're sods,

    .~. Helgrem .~.

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