So i've built a nice wolf druid, and I've just noticed something really strange...
I'm really starting to see myself losing my effectiveness quite drastically. For example, my Takedown strike's max DC is 11+8(vertigo 8 shield)+10(wis mod) making it out to just about 29, which doesn't seem to land all that often at all.
Snowslide, 19+10(wis mod) 29
Jaws of winter 27
Howl of terror hits maybe 1 or 2 targets in a group of 6
My feats are something like
Augmented summoning
Natural fighting x2
Shield mast.
Imp Shield Mast.
Imp Crit, Blud.
I crit for upwards of 200, which is nice, and I crit often. I have an amazing doublestrike chance, boosted to 75% in important fights. But my special abilities have nearly stopped landing. Doing Elite runs I dont even recognize when I land a takedown anymore.
My ability to deal extra damage to enemies at -50% health doesn't seem to work except for 1/5th of my hits either...
Im trying to build a PURE druid, because I have hopes that the bugs will be at least patched eventually and the bonuses will work properly.
I can only foresee that in epic content, I'll NEVER land a special attack.
I still enjoy casting AOEs in battle like earthquake and the storm, but I built a wolf for the wolf abilities...anything I can do to boost those DCs?
Its like im a sub par rogue without evasion that cant do traps...