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  1. #1
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Default Centering heals on high hp person

    Just curious why heals (in non tanking situation) are usually centered on the person with the highest hp? As in part 4 shroud. Shouldnt they be on the person most likely to die in melee range of boss?

  2. #2
    Hero JJMC895610's Avatar
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    If the person targeted with the mass cure/heal does die while it being cast, then the spell won't go off.
    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I knew i should have actually tested this.

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  3. #3
    Hero Hellllboy's Avatar
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    The spell will go off...just on the Healer as there is no designated target.

    Highest HP will sometimes give you the best chance for the spell to go off in a scrum-note that I emphasize..."Sometimes". There are times when that high HP player sustains more damage than lower HP players with self survivability.

  4. #4
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    well if ya worry about keepin up the 200-300HP guy at the other end of the spectrem you end up spending alot more mana alot faster then you should be, and if that guy hasnt taken the little effort to get the con +6, GFL, minos etc. to get decent HP then chances are he hasnt gotten the weapons either to justify emptying the divines blue bar. Either he will learn how to take less damage or he might actually learn that he could use a small bump in the HP departement.

    thats why when I was a divine I was always in the middle of things and just centered masses on myself.

  5. #5
    Community Member bloodnose13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lugoman View Post
    Just curious why heals (in non tanking situation) are usually centered on the person with the highest hp? As in part 4 shroud. Shouldnt they be on the person most likely to die in melee range of boss?
    if the target of healing dies, you heal yourself what places spell on cooldown and forces you to change target of a spell, usualy it ends in deaths when that happens, so you choose a target of healing that is least likely to die quick, also ppl in raids are learning to keep around such person and not do stupid things and then demand to be healed. not to mention that this happening is costly on sp.
    Last edited by bloodnose13; 06-25-2012 at 03:20 PM. Reason: note to self: no posting while sleepy
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  6. #6


    Because people want to complete raids, not wipe.
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  7. #7
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    ok didnt think about the person dying, makes sense now.

  8. #8
    Community Member Ginarrbrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJMC895610 View Post
    If the person targeted with the mass cure/heal does die while it being cast, then the spell won't go off.
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