guys, you really dropped the ball on this one.
ok, when they where not bound, you "gave" only one per char, that makes sense, because a lot of players who didn't need them , could collect them, and give\sell to others.
and off course, it created people that took advantage, creating and deleting a char, and "farming"a lot of them. so you tried to make it better, and you made them bound the character again, no problem there, BUT, if that's the case, please give five of them, as it was before the last major update.
OR, you can make them bound to account, and give the number of tokens equal to the number of character slots on that account, that way, people can't farm them, because it won't matter if they delete a char, and create a new one, the first character on an account that goes to get the tokens will get them for all the other characters, and can put them in a shared bank or something. and any other char on that account will not get any, for that day. easy to implement, and seems more balanced.
as it is now, i (prem account owner) can only do ONE challenge per day, on a single char, with your new fix. i wouldn't call that even remotely a fix, you cut my daily challenges by factor of five.
i offered two ways of fixing it a bit better, now it's up to you i guess. although i have to be honest here, the way things are going, i don't expect much. sorry, but you created that incompetent image yourselves .