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Thread: Pet boosts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Pet boosts

    Everyone acknowledges how relatively weak overall the wolf is, and I would like to recommend a couple things that would help serve to make them a little less weak, and potentially more useful overall...and 1 'bug' with collars that would be nice to see fixed. These suggestions would serve to enhance iron defenders as well, potentially.

    First, the bug:
    Now that we can craft NAMED handwraps into collars, don't strip the name off the collar when converting said named handwraps. I just converted a spare Vampiric Stonedust wraps to a collar, and the final product just says "Collar". If I have more than 1 collar in my inventory for my wolf, I have to take the time to mouseover each one to find the collar I want to use.

    1. Make it possible to swap collars via a hotbar on the fly, just like a player can switch weapon sets on the fly. This would give a wolf (or defender) more easy-to-access versatility instead of the kludgy, time consuming way required now to switch collars.

    2. Add special "pet only" armor into the game with stats you cannot get on normal PC armors. Blurry, ghostly, or ethereal on a nice set of pet-restricted leather armor comes to mind. Give the pet-only armors a big boost in base AC over what PC armor has, since pets don't get all the extra slots players do for additional defenses. This would go a long way to helping boost wolf survivability.

    3. Give wolves (and perhaps defenders) an enhancement that would let cut loose with a powerful bark that would stun and possibly do minor damage to enemies similar to the stunning fist/blow feats. Further, let the bark be affected by the stunning effect on collars.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    You think your pets are weak? You should see the Rangers Animal Companion!


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