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Thread: Which meta(s)

  1. #1
    Community Member crestoftheknave's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Question Which meta(s)

    Which metas should i be using for my sorc?... I got ninja stoned a couple weeks back and this is my first caster toon.

    I have empower now but that is the only one... i am shooting for a dps build that will keep me amused. I haven't the gear or the time to grind the gear needed to be the killing machine that i have in my mind... next life maybe.

    Thanks for the look and the responses

    Quote Originally Posted by nattus_rattus View Post
    Ranting on forums is what made this nation great! Everyone should do it more, you just don't see enough of that kind of thing these days. Why, I hadn't had a rant on a forum for at least 13 minutes and my blood sugar level began to rise and I developed scabies. Now, I am a picture of health!

  2. #2
    Community Member Myrrae's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Maximize. Definitely maximize. Maybe quicken & heighten, kind of depends. You can apply metas for free to your SLAs from savant prestige, so think about it from that perspective. Niac's Cold Ray definitely benefits from a free heighten if you're water savant. Quicken can be nice for some of your long cast time stuff, although is generally a must have if you're a WF so you can quicken your reconstructs.

    You also need either Spell Focus: Evocation, or SF: Conjuration for the higher levels of the savant prestige.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a sorc expert, the above is just based on my reading of these boards.

  3. #3
    Community Member crestoftheknave's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Hey thanks. most of.. no ALL of my sorc knowledge has come from these boards. i dont remember which other feat(s) i took but i still have a free feat swap through fred (is he working yet?) when the need arises.


    EDIT: I have SF Evoc.... maybe even GSF evoc
    Quote Originally Posted by nattus_rattus View Post
    Ranting on forums is what made this nation great! Everyone should do it more, you just don't see enough of that kind of thing these days. Why, I hadn't had a rant on a forum for at least 13 minutes and my blood sugar level began to rise and I developed scabies. Now, I am a picture of health!

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