If you spare the time or the TP's you can change all of your class levels without TR'ing. You can change all of your feats. You can change all of your skills and enhancements. Why can't we change race?
I've got a number of high-level toons on the shelf who are going to stay there because the game has changed to the extent that the race/class combo just isn't fun any more, and I really really don't have the time or inclination to level a dozen TR's. I'd like to play a high-level FvS and have a crack at the destinies, but as mine is WF, I'm not interested any more. I'd like to swap my Cleric's race from Dwarf to Human but I'll be damned if I'm levelling up as a cleric again. My capped Monk is a Dex/Wis Halfling, which doesn't really cut it these days, and so on...
While I might not like (and in some cases, thoroughly dislike) some of the changes themselves, I recognise that change is a necessary thing to keep a game like this alive. However, if you're going to alter the game to the extent that certain races and classes that used to work well together just don't any more, it'd be nice to have an option that meant all the time didn't have to be re-invested; as it stands, if I'm unhappy with my race selection I've got the choice of "not playing a toon", "deleting and starting again" (even if it has good BtC gear for the class) or "TR'ing", which is much more work than levelling a 1st-life toon.
Call it a Soul Transfer, or a Full Reincarnation, make us turn in epic tokens for a Heart of Water or whatnot, whatever, but please let us change the race of our toons! I for one would get WAY more mileage out of the work I'd already put in if I could do that.
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