Im considering rerolling my acrobat into a pure much and going all in on cleaves and WW then taling the fighter epic tree.
Im considering rerolling my acrobat into a pure much and going all in on cleaves and WW then taling the fighter epic tree.
Wherever you went - here you are.
I can say that I am having tons of fun with the referenced build above! Currently level 8, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
I cannot stress how powerful that 1 level of Druid is for the cost...
-Ram's Might (awesome on a Strength build)
-Shillelagh (I'm getting really good at spelling this) for the +1[w] damage
-Druid Toughness I (the only class of the 3 to grant it)
-Plenty of Spell Points to keep the 2 buffs going through quests
I also went HElf w/ Fighter Dilly for the +1 Strength, Tactics Enhancement line for Stunning Blow/Improved Trip/Sunder and Martial Weapons (if I ever need them).
I still have not decided on whether I will end up Light or Dark Path. I initially thought Ninja Spy for Shadow Fade, which will dovetail nicely with all of the Dodge bonuses.
I also thought about going with Monk 7, but the extra Rogue feat (Opportunist + Improved Evasion) is worth more.
Good luck with your build!