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  1. #1
    Community Member LongshotBro's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default Help Planning Ahead

    In the not-too-distant future I plan on TR'ing into my 3rd life. I have a few things that I definitely want the build to include which I'll list below, and I'm looking for help filling in the rest. So any advice/help/feedback is definitely appreciated.

    *Caveat: Some of the things I'd like to have I am aware are not the most optimal choices

    1. Race = halfling. No hard-and-fast reasons, I just enjoy them and my previous 2 lives were also halfling
    2. Past lives: previous 2 lives were both Artificer
    3. DM: I would like to have all 3 marks
    4. PrC: I would like Archmage of Illusion
    5. Would also like to be force-specced
    6. Tomes: Toon has used Supreme +1/+2/+3

    I've not played a Wizard before. I enjoyed Artificer immensely and would like to do more arcane casting/less xbow shooting. I would like to remain pure Wizard. I thought about a 2 Arty splash so I could still use rune arms (a couple of them have spell-enhancing abilities, etc) and have some trap skills. I figure the Arty is INT based too so i wouldn't lose out a ton of SP, could do a couple infusions, etc. I'm not against this, so if you think it's viable I can take a shine to that.

    Thank you in advance for input!
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  2. #2
    Community Member brettbennett22's Avatar
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    Dec 2006

    Default This prolly won't help but i got a good laugh out of it.

    1. Go Warforged!
    2. both previous past lives Arty? why ruin a good thing? 3rd times a charm right?
    3. Warforged don't have marks so you don't have to worry about this.
    4. Sorry... <shrug>
    5. Easily done with Arty enhancements & works wonders with Lucid as I am sure you are well aware of by now.
    6. Tomes are good.

    So yeah definitely do Warforged Arty for your 3rd life! Hope this helps answer all your questions.

    *edit... in all seriousness though:

    Check out this build:

    your tomes & past lives will work marvelously with it. I know it isn't your straight up Wizzy illusionist that you were asking about but I am thinking you might be able to fulfill that desire to CC while still keeping the ol pew pew on stand by. Plus i like having you around for doing traps.
    Last edited by brettbennett22; 07-11-2012 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kinerd's Avatar
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    Mar 2010


    It is very easy to have very strong self-healing on a wizard. Because of this, many healer types no longer devote their energy on wizards except in extreme cases.

    Your build will not have very strong self-healing. Because of this and the above, it will die more than those wizards that do.


    If you are comfortable with this, here is how I would go:

    1: Dragonmark & SF: Conj
    3: Maximize
    5: Mental Toughness
    6: Dragonmark
    9: Toughness
    10: Heighten
    12: Spell Pen
    15: GSF: Necro & SF: Necro
    18: Dragonmark
    20: SF: Enchant

    7/1/1 force and elec
    1/1/1 acid and cold
    3 spell pen
    4 archmage (req. 3 intel, energy of scholar, concentration)
    2 spell mastery: necro
    1 secondary spell mastery: conjuration
    SLA Web (req. SLA Grease)
    SLA Hypno

    Illusion really gets you nothing at all. Have to draw the line somewhere. Plus if you get tired of the dragonmarks you're all set to enhancement swap into Pale Master.

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