In the not-too-distant future I plan on TR'ing into my 3rd life. I have a few things that I definitely want the build to include which I'll list below, and I'm looking for help filling in the rest. So any advice/help/feedback is definitely appreciated.
*Caveat: Some of the things I'd like to have I am aware are not the most optimal choices
1. Race = halfling. No hard-and-fast reasons, I just enjoy them and my previous 2 lives were also halfling
2. Past lives: previous 2 lives were both Artificer
3. DM: I would like to have all 3 marks
4. PrC: I would like Archmage of Illusion
5. Would also like to be force-specced
6. Tomes: Toon has used Supreme +1/+2/+3
I've not played a Wizard before. I enjoyed Artificer immensely and would like to do more arcane casting/less xbow shooting. I would like to remain pure Wizard. I thought about a 2 Arty splash so I could still use rune arms (a couple of them have spell-enhancing abilities, etc) and have some trap skills. I figure the Arty is INT based too so i wouldn't lose out a ton of SP, could do a couple infusions, etc. I'm not against this, so if you think it's viable I can take a shine to that.
Thank you in advance for input!