Been debating this for awhile now. Assume no past lives and expansion only geared. Epic hard is a joke for wiz or sorc. My only interest is Epic Elite and the new raids (once they come out).

-Sorc spams all mana 24/7 kills everything and is a hero =P. Can CC but why CC when you can kill everything with such high DPS?
-Wiz can CC all the things or DPS, but DPS is lower than Sorc Savants.

-Sorc cannot CC decently without insane gear or past lives. CC is too mana intensive. Cannot DPS much on trash or risks running out of SP. Limited to DOTs on bosses/reds for best mana/dmg ratio.
-Wiz has higher DCs and spell pen through more feats. Without past lives will a Wiz be able to CC EE/Raids? Limited to DOTs on bosses/reds for best mana/dmg ratio. How does Wiz dmg compare to Sorc dmg on bosses/reds?