Originally Posted by
Not unreasonable... although I question the Wizard level.
You'll open up the enhancements for 20 spellpower for BB & flame spells, but 20 spellpower is pretty pitiful. At end game your BB spellpower is in the range of 100 + 125 (max) + 75 (emp) +100 (gear), or 400% base damage, meaning 20 spell power is only 5%. (Without Empower, it would be a tad more). That doesn't seem worth the loss of evasion to me. (Feat situation stays the same since M2 gives a bonus feat.) Wizard also gives psuedo UMD, but with the new lvl 1 buffs that have 5 minute durations, that stuff is easier to UMD than ever.
Also, not taking GTWF is a big chunk of damage. Its 9/8, or a 12.5% bonus to damage. But, the only feat that could be reasonably given up is empower. Basically, you'd be giving up that 75 spell power. On BB, that's a pretty big chunk, 400/325 (about a 23% bump) although spells that can get enhancements (mainly DP) its a bit less... about a 460/385 increase, or (~19%). Keep in mind that its 15 SP a shot for that boost in damage though, vs GTWF's increase which is completely free. And due to the way Stunning Fist works, you'll connect slightly more with those as well.
Empower vs. GTWF I think of as pretty much a wash.... I can see going either way. The Wiz level though, seems weaker to me than evasion from M2. Monk2 will also give a bit of HPs (9 with tortoise enhancement) and 2% dodge.