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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default New metal-based quarterstaves not available again

    Yes, you can farm Deleras, Threnal and Sorrowdusk and get a metal-based staff as a rare chain end reward. However, with the new weapons with the 2[xdx], I've yet to see any of these new quarterstaves drop with metal-based properties.

    The Devs went out of their way to make sure that handwraps got included with the metal-based properties with these new weapons, yet staves were left out once again. I even brought up that staves suffered the same problem that handwraps suffered in Closed Beta when people were crying about monks being left behind....apparently to no avail.

    So to have a DR breaking quarterstaff, players must either farm Epic Nat Gann (but only for Dex based characters and only Devil DR after slotting), craft a regular quarterstaff or play the random loot game of finding a 2[xdx] Metalline of Good/Righteous quarterstaff.

    Will players see any progress with melee quarterstaves (aka Acrobat's favored weapon)? The quarterstaff was left of the group of weapons for the Calomel weapons, so the Acrobat melee style is currently the only melee style without a dragon beater. Outside of buying from the DDOStore a Blessed weapon (which are now subpar with the 2[xdx] weapons) and farming for a random and rare end chain reward, there's no real way for players to get metal-based staves. On top of this, the named staves are split between STR and DEX based and the Devs haven't confirmed one way or the other if Acrobats will be able to use Dex for all quarterstaves when the enhancements are changed.

    Things might be messed up for handwraps, which we hear alot of complaining about, but things are just as bad (or in some cases) worse for quarterstaves.

  2. #2
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    No response at all...Can I at least get an "ignored by a Dev" post so I know at least this repeated concern has at least hit someone's radar?

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    I have seen a metal quarterstaff from sharn syndicate as well. But no metal 2[1d6] quarterstaffs in any new content :[

  4. #4
    Hero karpedieme's Avatar
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    Sep 2007


    These past 2 weeks on tr's running deleras i picked up 1 each week.

    1 Cold Iron BTA Querterstaff


    1 Adamantine BTA Quarterstaff.

    They are there listed as +3 Quarterstaff so you need to look at the item description not just title.

    Hope this helps
    Thelanis Server Accolyte 21 PL FVS Completionist Super Soul Accelerated 20 PL Completionist Super Sorc Accessory 3 Ranger 3 Sorc 1 Wiz PL Artificer Accusal 3 FVS 3 Wiz PL Pale Master Accxer Mathbane Barb PL Barbarian Acc 3 FVS 3 Wiz PL Pale Master Ctrl 3 FVS 3 Wiz PL Archmage Jati 3 Monk 3 Ftr PL Tactics Monk Somnath 3 Monk 3 Ftr PL Dark Monk

  5. #5
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    Yes, you can farm Deleras, Threnal and Sorrowdusk and get a metal-based staff as a rare chain end reward. However, with the new weapons with the 2[xdx], I've yet to see any of these new quarterstaves drop with metal-based properties.

    The Devs went out of their way to make sure that handwraps got included with the metal-based properties with these new weapons, yet staves were left out once again. I even brought up that staves suffered the same problem that handwraps suffered in Closed Beta when people were crying about monks being left behind....apparently to no avail.

    So to have a DR breaking quarterstaff, players must either farm Epic Nat Gann (but only for Dex based characters and only Devil DR after slotting), craft a regular quarterstaff or play the random loot game of finding a 2[xdx] Metalline of Good/Righteous quarterstaff.

    Will players see any progress with melee quarterstaves (aka Acrobat's favored weapon)? The quarterstaff was left of the group of weapons for the Calomel weapons, so the Acrobat melee style is currently the only melee style without a dragon beater. Outside of buying from the DDOStore a Blessed weapon (which are now subpar with the 2[xdx] weapons) and farming for a random and rare end chain reward, there's no real way for players to get metal-based staves. On top of this, the named staves are split between STR and DEX based and the Devs haven't confirmed one way or the other if Acrobats will be able to use Dex for all quarterstaves when the enhancements are changed.

    Things might be messed up for handwraps, which we hear alot of complaining about, but things are just as bad (or in some cases) worse for quarterstaves.
    No calomel greatswords either, so lord of blades fvs/clerics got skunked there too.. Just saying .. You're not alone

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by karpedieme View Post
    These past 2 weeks on tr's running deleras i picked up 1 each week.

    1 Cold Iron BTA Querterstaff


    1 Adamantine BTA Quarterstaff.

    They are there listed as +3 Quarterstaff so you need to look at the item description not just title.

    Hope this helps
    I mentioned that Deleras, Sorrowdusk and Threnal drop metal-based quarterstaves as a rare end reward. (Logic and other have mentioned Sharn also does, but I've never seen one drop in that chain.) Anyway all four chains only drop Heroic quarterstaves. I am talking about the new random Epic quarterstaves that are 2[xdx], and I believe Logic is right when he says the stats are 2[1d6].

    Quote Originally Posted by fyrst.grok View Post
    No calomel greatswords either, so lord of blades fvs/clerics got skunked there too.. Just saying .. You're not alone
    Although this is true, it neglects two things.

    First, greatswords can drop while containing both metal-based properties and 2[xdx] damage. So high level DR breakers can be crafted, which means more damage can be done to bosses, especially on Epic Elite.

    Second, FvS/Clerics don't need to rely strictly on melee damage when fighting Dragons, while Acrobats have no other options when fighting Dragons.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by oradafu View Post
    So to have a DR breaking quarterstaff, players must either farm Epic Nat Gann (but only for Dex based characters and only Devil DR after slotting)
    Actually Epic Nat Gann is now STR or DEX.

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