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But was she hurting them much? Certainly getting knocked down, or thrown, hurts (though it doesn't in D&D), but was she hurting them otherwise?
That sounds more like she was using Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Improved Trip, Defensive Throw and Elusive Target. Basically, whenever someone you have declared Dodge on misses you, you get a free Trip attack against them; the first time someone flanking you attacks you in a round, that attack misses you and can hit your opponent; when you provoke an attack of opportunity by move out of a threatened square, and your opponent misses you, you gain a free trip attack against them.
Maybe mix in some Pathfinder stuff for Crane Wing and Crane Riposte (once per round, automatically negate one melee attack, then use AoO to counterattack).
High Dex and Wis for AC (maybe Combat Expertise as well), and when people miss you, you trip them. It's effective, but it isn't causing damage.
In the real world, you need Dex, Int, Wis and Str to hit someone with most weapons with any kind of regularity of success or effect, especially if your opponent has any skill at avoiding attacks. D&D is an abstraction. If you land a hit with a sword against someone in armor, but you swung it like a 10 year old girl, sure, you may have landed the blow thanks to your litheness, but you won't have harmed your target, unless you are especially adept at using your quickness to get to exposed points.