It looks like I'll be capping my druid tonight or tomorrow. Before I go and TR again, I thought I'd post my thoughts while the life is still fresh in my mind.
** I'd like to state that this life has been a blast to play. The druid class has a lot of fun/unique mechanics that are quite enjoyable. That said, onto the list.
- Enhancements are a bit expensive. Maybe consider a 2/2/2/2 progression instead of 1/2/3/4? (or 2/3/4/5 in some cases)
- Reincarnation cast time 'might' be a touch long.
- Call lightning storm cast time is too long or duration too short.
- Word of balance would be much better if it didn't have a SR check. (Also, tooltip needs to be fixed)
- Spring resurgence should be undispellable.
- Maybe change the targetting for spring of resurgence, so it can be used while moving? (PlayerX instead of loc x/y/z)
- Druid of summer/winter should be undispellable and persist through death.
- Maybe make crown of summer use the FVS name champion/crown of retribution system? Losing 15% healing amp because someone randomly gives me a weapon buff makes me a sad panda.
- Wolf form: I'd love if the tooltip, buff mouseover and character sheet all said the same thing. And they were an actual representation of in game damage.
- The pet has a leeching bite enhancement. That would make a pretty cool druid wolf-form enhancement.
- Elemental forms: 200% fortification WAI?
- Passive past life: Just another step towards completionist for me, but it'd be nice if it granted the druid himself a benefit. I suggested a passive hp regen in another thread, but there are lots of ideas floating around.
- Druid pet: 25% hp and sp loss on pet death is harsh. Fluffy is so squishy. A way to toughen him up, or an uncaring master enhancement, or reduce the 25% please!
That's at the forefront of my mind right now. I'll probably add to this tonight/tomorrow when I hit 20.