I have the following scrolls for sale:
Envenomed Cloak 1 mil
Gloves of the Claw 1 mil
Helm 500K
Boots 500K
Feel free to make an offer.
I have the following scrolls for sale:
Envenomed Cloak 1 mil
Gloves of the Claw 1 mil
Helm 500K
Boots 500K
Feel free to make an offer.
5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai
Bump all scrolls are now 500K each.
5th Life Human Paladin - Sorrowanddoo
11th Life Sun Elf Wizard - Sorrowandei
3rd Life Human Fighter - Sorrowandai
PM sent
Proud member of the ICKs-Argonnessen
Necromaimed // Hyyperion
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