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  1. #1
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Thumbs down LR+1/+3/+5 broken - uses your free respec instead

    So a week ago I tried to LR+1 my FVS at 20 out of 1 lvl of Ftr. Used a +1 wood. Noted it gave you an option to choose the free respec or a a heart of wood. Selected the heart of wood option, it even show +1 wood in the next text.

    Got to the boat- used my free respec. My +1 wood was still there in my pack, but no ability to swap out that pesky Ftr lvl. I was more than a bit mad. Put in a ticket - 30 mins and nothing, but hey, it was just a few days after U14 - Menace of the Programming Glitches release. No surprise with no response. Bug reported it. Decided to just TR a few days later. Heck... maybe I hit the wrong option... you never know.

    Well, now I know. Today I tried to do an LR+5 another toon. I checked known issues. Nothing. I watched the options very closely confirming the text said +5 wood before I accepted. Just like last time. Cancelled and checked the options text 3 times before proceeding. Just like the first time, friggen +5 wood still in pack, can't change levels. Been waiting for a GM now for 55 mins and expect they are going to tell me there is nothing they can do.

    It's a game, but the LR hearts are real money and a week delay really sucks.

    Note in the pictures below you select the lower option to use your heart and in the bottom picture it confirms it will consume the +5 LR heart...

    Just thought i would vent and pass the word. Thank you for your time.

    Last edited by redraider; 07-09-2012 at 10:06 PM.
    Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Thumbs down

    And the GM's response... as if we expected real support...

    (Admin):+Elhouein+> tells you, 'I apologize for the wait, we're experiencing a high volume of tickets tonight.'

    (Admin):+Elhouein+> tells you, 'Unfortunately, the In-Game Support team cannot reset reincarnation timers, change skills or feats, or otherwise modify your character. When making changes to your character, we always advise you to consult with the Compendium, your fellow players, and online resources before finalizing any changes. Are there any other issues I can address?'

    Admin): +Elhouein+> tells you, 'When choosing how you wanted to reincarnate, you may have mistakenly chosen the free reincarnation. This is not a known issue. If you believe otherwise, you're welcome to submit a bug report. Regardless, In-Game Support cannot adjust timers or make any form of changes regarding the outcome of a reincarnation.'

    (Admin): +Elhouein+> tells you, 'If you'd like to send feedback regarding the game, please visit and click on the flag appropriate to the language you would like to provide feedback in. Then click the “Support Center” tab, followed by “Submit Feedback”. Although you may not receive a response due to the large volume of feedback we receive, all feedback is read and taken into consideration by the appropriate teams.'

    (Admin):+Elhouein+> tells you, 'I'll be happy to escalate you to a Senior Game Master, however, they respond to all tickets in the order they are received. In addition, he will simply tell you the exact same thing I have.'

    (Admin): +Ogdred+< tells you, 'Unfortunately, in-game support is unable to fix this issue. As you have already bug reported the issue, there isn't anything else I can suggest you to do.'

    (Admin): +Ogdred+< tells you, 'I understand your frustration but there isn't anything in-game support can do. We cannot bestow a 2nd free reincarnation on you nor can we alter the reincarnation timer.'

    (Tell): You tell : 'at least make sure this gets on the known issues so no one else gets screwed, me twice, and 2 guildies so far, so I am sure many others'

    (Admin): +Ogdred+< tells you, 'The only way to get the developers to look at an issue is to bug report it. If you have already done so, I would suggest to your kinmates that they do so as well.
    Last edited by redraider; 07-09-2012 at 09:43 PM.
    Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Ouch that's a pain for sure.

    Was wanting to LR the level of monk I have taken on my druid out. (as it bugs your base damage dice (reduces it from d10 to d6 great bug fixing turbine!))

    Was actually trying to find out if you could lesser res out levels and turn them into druid level. I seem to recall reading somewhere that you couldn't chose druid levels when LR at this time.

    After reading your post looks like there would be more than one possible issue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    omg this is soooo bad and need fix asap :/

    have more LR hearts in bank for use.

    thx for info.

  5. #5
    Community Member Arovin's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    I was able to do an LR+3 on Friday night without an issue. If there is a bug with the system then its intermittent.

  6. #6
    Community Member Miow's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    I'm going to go out on a ledge here and say it's bugged, maybe trying to use the free lr first might alow you to use the heart after...not the best solution but curious to see if it works.

  7. #7
    Founder Dorian's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    This is still broken.

    Bought a +3 heart in the DDO store. Selected "use the heart" and NOT the free respec option.

    +3 Heart ended up in my pack.. and I could not switch out levels.

  8. #8
    Community Member LongshotBro's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    Apologies for the necro, but this just happened to me as well.

    Major bummer!
    When you stand out in the rain, you get wet.

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  9. #9
    2015 DDO Players Council
    Braegan's Avatar
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    Maybe I got lucky...

    A few days ago I used a Lesser +1 to add in monk splash to my wizard and everything worked normally.
    Git off mah lawn!

    If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

  10. #10
    Community Member Celastelin's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting this here so we know to hold of on the +1, +3, +5 LRs for the time being. I do have one comment for the support team. The entry here:

    (Admin):+Elhouein+> tells you, 'I'll be happy to escalate you to a Senior Game Master, however, they respond to all tickets in the order they are received. In addition, he will simply tell you the exact same thing I have.'

    I wish I could bold it, but the phrase "In addition, he will simply tell you the exact same thing I have" should be removed from your escalation script. It gives the customer an "I'm right and you're wrong" impression and otherwise gives no helpful information to the customer. I wanted to feed that back as well.

    Anyways +1 to you OP.

  11. #11
    Community Member Forzah's Avatar
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    Imo they should just remove the free LR by now; people have had long enough to adapt to u14 changes. It's been causing too much trouble. (note: I haven't used them myself yet)
    Last edited by Forzah; 04-07-2013 at 03:23 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    The fact that some changes are necessary is not diminished by the fact that other necessary changes have not happened yet.

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