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  1. #61
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    Update: I went to check out Turbones undelete page. I was going to pay $20 to have an old toon undeleted who might have been in UL at the time of deletion. All of my toons were officers at the time. However, according to the undelete FAQ, Guild information and status is not retained, so it wouldn't have helped. Oh well.
    Just a suggestion, but why dont you check with the OP and confirm your toon is not on the guild roster, as an officer. A lot of times, which Im sure you know as a longtime player, what turbine says is not actually what is. Before you give up this route, perhaps you are still an officer. Would definitely resolve the issue for the OP. He is still in the guild so can scan the officer list and see if one of them is yours.
    Last edited by Dozen_Black_Roses; 07-14-2012 at 12:37 PM. Reason: typo
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
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  2. #62
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dozen_Black_Roses View Post
    Just a suggestion, but why dont you check with the OP and confirm your toon is not on the guild roster, as an officer. A lot of times, which Im sure you know as a longtime player, what turbine says is not actually what is. Before you give up this route, perhaps you are still an officer. Would definitely resolve the issue for the OP. He is still in the guild so can scan the officer list and see if one of them is yours.
    Interesting idea.

    Dark, if you read this, PM me over a list of all the officers in UL right now and I'll tell you if any of them are mine.

  3. #63
    Community Member Shadow_Darkwalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    Interesting idea.

    Dark, if you read this, PM me over a list of all the officers in UL right now and I'll tell you if any of them are mine.
    Refer to my post on page 2 gentlemen. It has links to screenies of EVERY member on the guild roster currently, officers and all. Catch me in game Lunch if you find one, or PM me here. *crossing ALL appendages possible*

    Great idea DBR!
    May the darkness guide you: Mydnight Darkwalker, 14 Rogue | Alts: Silhouette Darkwalker, 9 Bard/5 Cleric/1 Sorceress; Knyghtshade Darkwalker, 13 Paladin; Mythril Darkwalker, 11 Ranger/1 Rogue; Mystyq Darkwalker, 6 Wizard/3 Sorceress.

  4. #64
    Community Member jakeelala's Avatar
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    did you get it back?

  5. #65
    Community Member Shadow_Darkwalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeelala View Post
    did you get it back?
    No, and they refuse to even answer my ticket I filed at Turbine Support (the e-mail system). When I first sent the ticket in, I got the usual automated response. I replied to the ticket in about a week because I did not get any response to it and still did not get any response to my reply. Then after 2+ weeks, I posted yet another reply and finally got a response ... an automated one saying that the ticket had been closed because I did not respond to the ticket or had a duplicate ticket, blah, blah, blah.

    Well, this is messed up because I did a little forum research and found my issue is actually a known issue. Here is the link:
    Under it, it says down in the Guild section that, "Guilds have no way to usurp an inactive guild leader if no successor or officers have been named." Ok, if this is the case and I mentioned this in my Turbine Support ticket, then why did I not get a response stating this? Why did they not give me any response whatsoever to a known issue with the game?

    Im starting to get a little aggrevated that they wont even talk to me about this but one thing is for sure, I will not give up until I get my guild back.
    May the darkness guide you: Mydnight Darkwalker, 14 Rogue | Alts: Silhouette Darkwalker, 9 Bard/5 Cleric/1 Sorceress; Knyghtshade Darkwalker, 13 Paladin; Mythril Darkwalker, 11 Ranger/1 Rogue; Mystyq Darkwalker, 6 Wizard/3 Sorceress.

  6. #66
    Community Member Shade's Avatar
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    This is/was a known issue.

    Final words on the matter from a dev some years ago:
    Quote Originally Posted by Codeshaper
    OK, so for the next release, we’ve now removed the ability of officers and members to usurp, and increased the successor waiting period to 180 days, just to be really safe. We’re going to take all the feedback into account and revise the larger system for the following release.

    Thanks, all!
    Far as I know, codeshaper simply forgot about the issue/left turbine and thus nothing was done.

    IMO if you are an officer, and it's been 180 days since both the leader and succesor has logged in, you should be able to usurp. Sucessor should abe allowed to do it 90 days after.

    If your guild did not trust you enough to leave you as an officer upon your lengthy vacation, you do not deserve leadership of the guild upon your return imo.

    Though on a related note:
    If you left the guild, and then decided you want to start a NEW guild with teh same name.. I believe you should be able to if all the following conditions are met:
    - The guild in question has had zero active characters in it for over 1 year (minus your own account, which could currently count as a recent departure)
    - The guild in question is below lvl50 (due to renown decay or other reason)
    - You pay some fee for hte premium service to get a GM to forcibly disband the inactive guild (They'd probably have to log in the leader and disband the guild manually)

    currently, neither situation is possible, so your only choice is to leave your guild and start a new one without the same name. Just use a similar name, I doubt anyone would care. Good luck.
    Last edited by Shade; 07-30-2012 at 02:04 PM.

  7. #67
    Founder & Build Synthesis Battlehawke's Avatar
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    Default guild

    ...start a new guild. Call it UL Returns or UL Rises or something similar. If no one from Turbine has not even bothered to respond to you by this point, then they can't be bothered.... rebuild your guild. Start fresh while you can. Whats more frustrating is that they won't respond. Its like trying to get help in game..... I'm sure they have read this forum. .. I wish you luck, but by now.. its not going to happen...
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  8. #68
    Community Member Shadow_Darkwalker's Avatar
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    Default I hate repeating myself ....

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    This is/was a known issue.

    Final words on the matter from a dev some years ago:

    Far as I know, codeshaper simply forgot about the issue/left turbine and thus nothing was done.

    IMO if you are an officer, and it's been 180 days since both the leader and succesor has logged in, you should be able to usurp. Sucessor should abe allowed to do it 90 days after.

    If your guild did not trust you enough to leave you as an officer upon your lengthy vacation, you do not deserve leadership of the guild upon your return imo.

    Though on a related note:
    If you left the guild, and then decided you want to start a NEW guild with teh same name.. I believe you should be able to if all the following conditions are met:
    - The guild in question has had zero active characters in it for over 1 year (minus your own account, which could currently count as a recent departure)
    - The guild in question is below lvl50 (due to renown decay or other reason)
    - You pay some fee for hte premium service to get a GM to forcibly disband the inactive guild (They'd probably have to log in the leader and disband the guild manually)

    currently, neither situation is possible, so your only choice is to leave your guild and start a new one without the same name. Just use a similar name, I doubt anyone would care. Good luck.
    Well, first off, if you bothered to check that link I gave, it was last edited and updated 5 days ago (7/26/12), which means that the guild usurp matter IS STILL a known issue therefore, it is something they know about and mean to fix. Relating to past devs, if you knew anything about the dev world, you would know that the turnover rate at which most companies go thru devs is astounding which means that a good 80-85% of the devs they use dont last more than a year before they begin to recycle (out with the old, in with the new). So that means that said dev did not forget about the issue, he/she merely left the company due to the turnover before being able to do something about it.

    Also, if you had bothered to go back and read any of this post, you would also know that A) I never left the guild and still will not, because I want my guild back; and B) according to your "conditions", (1) there is ZERO activity within the guild, minus my 4 toons and one other who only logged in to see about the new Menace update (as noted, his other 2 toons have not logged on in over a year), and (2) the guild is almost level 16, thanks to my own doing over the past year and some I have been playing. Although I will say, if there is actually some "premium service" I could pay to get a GM to come on and give me some assistance in reclaiming my guild (much less disband a guild), I would not do it because that would be unregretable to say the least. Anyways, by your reasoning, you conflict yourself by saying I should not be able to get my guild back. If you knew anything about me or my guild, and if you had bothered to read thru this post, you would know why I took "my vacation" and the fact that I know every name on the current guild roster minus 3 people, one of whom is the guild leader, and the fact that the guild message remains about him restarting a new guild some 5+ years ago effectively abandoning the guild himself.

    So do yourself a favor and read thru the post please sir/ma'am(?). You will find answers before you presume to give them. Although, given the material above ... just for whom are you arguing?

    Again, I do not wish to leave my guild peoples, and while I do appreciate the sentiment, I will also argue once more that people do indeed care about founder's guilds. I refuse to give up on my guild until I can get it back. Thank you for the kind words though. *tiphat*
    May the darkness guide you: Mydnight Darkwalker, 14 Rogue | Alts: Silhouette Darkwalker, 9 Bard/5 Cleric/1 Sorceress; Knyghtshade Darkwalker, 13 Paladin; Mythril Darkwalker, 11 Ranger/1 Rogue; Mystyq Darkwalker, 6 Wizard/3 Sorceress.

  9. #69
    Community Member Kindrson's Avatar
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    Default just skimmed the thread...

    but have recently dealt with this issue myself..
    i started a guild with a friend of mine because we thought the name was cool, lol, then real life issuse took him away from the game for the last few months before he was able to name a successor <btw of the 7 toons in the guild only the leader and one other are his>. A couple weeks ago the guild log in message started saying that the leader was absent and leadership could be usurped in <countdown # of days> .. when the countdown was up, the motd said leadership was up for grabs and an "usurp" button appeared on my in game guild panel <ctrl-o , guild tab> and the toon I used to take leadership was a member, not an officer... now of course there is no drama involved in my takeover nor will there be, but as far as not being able to take control of a guild when the leader is absent, and said issue be a known one...
    evidently they fixed it and forgot to tell us..
    hope this helps..
    Those who know me, know my main toons. Those who know me well, know my alts Those who dont know me, just dont understand ! -- Motto for the Alt-aholic

  10. #70
    Community Member Gleep_Wurp's Avatar
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    Default this is not a democracy

    but if i had a vote it would be left and were gone a very long have no claim to it.besides its not your guild, it belongs to everyone who has contributed to renown status.

  11. #71
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gleep_Wurp View Post
    but if i had a vote it would be left and were gone a very long have no claim to it.besides its not your guild, it belongs to everyone who has contributed to renown status.
    Well...since everyone else has been gone so long, I beleive the OP is the only player to contribute to any renown. So by your own rules, the OP owns the guild.

    I hope the OP can get it back.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

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  12. #72
    Community Member muffinlad's Avatar
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    Why would you wait this long, and not start a new guild?

    Why do a Google Search, get Turbine's number, and give them a call on it?

    It is really easy for people to ignore email. They just delete it. You need to either call them, or show up in their lobby and ask to talk to them, or accept your fate.

    Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.

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  13. #73
    Community Member Gleep_Wurp's Avatar
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    Default hey whatever

    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    Well...since everyone else has been gone so long, I beleive the OP is the only player to contribute to any renown. So by your own rules, the OP owns the guild.

    I hope the OP can get it back.
    but there are no petitions in this game (thats the last thing we need), and devs have already said no.and by my rules i said no he abandoned his friends and the guild many years ago.nothing more needs to be said. its a dead horse move on.

  14. #74
    Community Member Shadow_Darkwalker's Avatar
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    I didnt abandon anything, I had real life come up and if you are anything like me, real life will always come before a game. I would never just up and abandon my friends or this guild for no reason. To say I abandoned anything is simply false altogether and rather rude .... but you have your right to your opinion, I guess. And Kinggart is right, I am the only one, whom over the past year and some of playing, have contributed to any guild renown. When I came back, my guild was at base Level 1 and now it is almost 16 (I dont get to play that often heh). Anyways, Im sorry you feel the way you do but I can assure you, I did not abandon anything. I left the guild in good hands, or so I felt, and I spoke to most everyone before I even left (the ones I didnt get to speak to never came on much).

    Anyways, Muffinlad, you cannot simply call them up anymore like you could back then. The only people you can contact now via phone or face-to-face are Account personnel. They have ceased to allow any contact (aside from email or in-game tickets, and forum PM's; though forum PM's only contact forum personnel only as well, so far as I know) with developers and GM's a long time ago (and no, Im not sure when). Probably has something to do with all the outrage and frustration people threw at them consistently . But any rate, I have no way of contacting them besides from the tickets I have put in, or trust me, I would have spoken to someone already.

    As far as starting a new guild, Im sorry but once more, I refuse to do so. I will find a way to reclaim it one way or another.
    May the darkness guide you: Mydnight Darkwalker, 14 Rogue | Alts: Silhouette Darkwalker, 9 Bard/5 Cleric/1 Sorceress; Knyghtshade Darkwalker, 13 Paladin; Mythril Darkwalker, 11 Ranger/1 Rogue; Mystyq Darkwalker, 6 Wizard/3 Sorceress.

  15. #75
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    Default Start a new guild

    Why don't you do this:

    1. Start a new guild (but leave ONE of your characters in the old guild)

    2. Get all the active players in the old guild to leave, and come to the new guild.

    3. Wait, until a year has passed and the old guild is only accounts that have not logged in for a year except yours. Then contact turbine again.

    I say this because:

    a. It gives you a backup plan if you never get the guild back.
    b. If you actually get the guild back, you can disband it, then rename your new guild (which will have built up renown by then), so that you don't lose renown.
    RTFM on Khyber

  16. #76
    Community Member Shadow_Darkwalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machination View Post
    Why don't you do this:
    3. Wait, until a year has passed and the old guild is only accounts that have not logged in for a year except yours. Then contact turbine again.
    Go check out my post (#27) on page 2. It has links to screenies of my guild roster I posted some 2-3 weeks or so ago. I think the "accounts that have not logged in for a year" thing has already come and gone a long time ago lol.

    Thank you for the suggestion though but I will pass on it. As I have said, I will not leave my guild and I absolutely will NOT disband it. The whole reason I want the guild back is because first and foremost, I made it, and secondly, it is a founder's guild and to me, along with others I have spoken to recently (like 2 days ago, last I was on), that is worth something.

    Again, thank you for the consideration and to all those supporting me.
    May the darkness guide you: Mydnight Darkwalker, 14 Rogue | Alts: Silhouette Darkwalker, 9 Bard/5 Cleric/1 Sorceress; Knyghtshade Darkwalker, 13 Paladin; Mythril Darkwalker, 11 Ranger/1 Rogue; Mystyq Darkwalker, 6 Wizard/3 Sorceress.

  17. #77
    Community Member Tulsa_Doom's Avatar
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    You need to realize this may never be resolved. And while it wasnt your intention, your inactivity helped to place you where you are now. The guild is a guild of one. You. I understand the value of having a guild that you ran personally but you need to move on. Believe me I understand the amount of importance you may place on a guild as guild leader. At this point you are succumbing to personal ego. It would be far more productive and proactive to simply start Underworld Legion Rises etc and begin the process of adding to your ranks. Again I sympathize with your situation but at this point you need to move on. I am sure you will not meet this reply with anything resembling acceptance but thats okay. Anger is part of the process.

    However it is also equally unfair and unrealistic to expect Turbine to change a mechanic based on a specific player problem. That said I hope the odds are bucked and somehow one of the old players with officer status returns and grants you your desire.


  18. #78
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    Default Patience

    So, you are halfway there, now continue with the plan:

    1. Start new guild (except for your one toon left in old guild)

    2. Recruit players, enjoy leading new guild

    3. Patiently wait, maybe try contacting turbine every quarter or so about old guild.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow_Darkwalker View Post
    Go check out my post (#27) on page 2. It has links to screenies of my guild roster I posted some 2-3 weeks or so ago. I think the "accounts that have not logged in for a year" thing has already come and gone a long time ago lol.

    Thank you for the suggestion though but I will pass on it. As I have said, I will not leave my guild and I absolutely will NOT disband it. The whole reason I want the guild back is because first and foremost, I made it, and secondly, it is a founder's guild and to me, along with others I have spoken to recently (like 2 days ago, last I was on), that is worth something.

    Again, thank you for the consideration and to all those supporting me.
    RTFM on Khyber

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