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  1. #1
    Community Member YoureDown's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default YoureDown - FVS medic/AOE specialist

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.14.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Chaotic Neutral Human Male
    (20 Favored Soul) 
    Hit Points: 322
    Spell Points: 2230 
    BAB: 15\15\20\25\25
    Fortitude: 16
    Reflex: 12
    Will: 21
                      Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats         Base Stats         Modified Stats
    (34 Point)       (Level 1)          (Level 20)           (Level 20)
    Strength             10                 12                   12
    Dexterity             8                 10                   10
    Constitution         16                 18                   18
    Intelligence          8                 10                   10
    Wisdom               18                 25                   28
    Charisma             14                 16                   21
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 3
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
                      Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills        Base Skills        Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)          (Level 20)          (Level 20)
    Balance               1                 11.5                 11.5
    Bluff                 2                  5                    5
    Concentration         7                 27                   29
    Diplomacy             2                  5                    7
    Disable Device       n/a                n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                2                  5                    5
    Heal                  4                 21                   23
    Hide                 -1                  0                    0
    Intimidate            2                  5                    5
    Jump                  0                  1                    1
    Listen                4                  9                    9
    Move Silently        -1                  0                    0
    Open Lock            n/a                n/a                   n/a
    Perform               n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -1                  0                    0
    Search               -1                  0                    0
    Spot                  4                  9                    9
    Swim                  0                  1                    1
    Tumble               n/a                n/a                   n/a
    Use Magic Device      n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+2)
    Skill: Concentration (+4)
    Feat: (Deity) Favored by the Sovereign Host
    Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Paladin
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness
    Feat: (Automatic) Attack
    Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
    Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Magical Training
    Feat: (Automatic) Medium Armor Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
    Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
    Spell (1): Bless
    Spell (1): Cure Light Wounds
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Smiting I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness I
    Level 2 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
    Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
    Feat: (Automatic) Trip
    Spell (1): Command
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Charisma I
    Level 3 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Spell
    Feat: (Automatic) Child of the Sovereign Host
    Spell (1): Nightshield
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life I
    Level 4 (Favored Soul)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Spell (2): Cure Moderate Wounds
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Smiting II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness II
    Level 5 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Fire
    Spell (2): Resist Energy
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Wisdom I
    Level 6 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Spell (3): Cure Serious Wounds
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance I
    Level 7 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Spell (2): Eagle's Spendor
    Spell (3): Prayer
    Enhancement: Unyielding Sovereignty (Favored Soul)
    Level 8 (Favored Soul)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Spell (4): Cure Critical Wounds
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic III
    Level 9 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Spell (2): Soundburst
    Spell (3): Mass Aid
    Spell (4): Recitation
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Charisma I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Level 10 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Electricity
    Spell (5): Divine Punishment
    Enhancement: Improved Concentration II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Smiting III
    Level 11 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Spell (4): Freedom of Movement
    Spell (5): Protection From Elements
    Spell (3): Searing Light
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Smiting I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion III
    Level 12 (Favored Soul)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Mental Toughness
    Feat: (Automatic) Beloved of the Sovereign Host
    Spell (6): Heal
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Angel of Vengeance II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life II
    Level 13 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Spell (4): Mass Shield of Faith
    Spell (5): True Seeing
    Spell (6): Cometfall
    Enhancement: Human Greater Adaptability Wisdom I
    Level 14 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Spell (7): Resurrection
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic IV
    Level 15 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Cold
    Feat: (Selected) Maximize Spell
    Spell (5): Mass Cure Light Wounds
    Spell (6): Blade Barrier
    Spell (7): Greater Restoration
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Smiting II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life II
    Level 16 (Favored Soul)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Spell (8): Mass Death Ward
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion IV
    Level 17 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Automatic) Leap Of Faith
    Spell (7): Mass Spell Resistance
    Spell (8): Death Pact
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life III
    Level 18 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Quicken Spell
    Spell (9): True Resurrection
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life III
    Level 19 (Favored Soul)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Spell (8): Fire Storm
    Spell (9): Implosion
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Charisma II
    Level 20 (Favored Soul)
    Ability Raise: WIS
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Concentration (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Feat: (Deity) Favored Soul Damage Reduction: Cold Iron
    Spell (9): Mass Heal
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Ascendency: Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Wisdom II

    This build is NOT perfect. many things are missing, gear missing, etc...

    By the way, chaotic neutral because its the closest thing to evil. EEEEEVVVVVVIIIILLLLLL!

    As for spells and spell selection order: not the same as in the leveling. you will want DW, but here is an end game spell list.

    gear: (dont laugh. pls?)

    head: Alchemist crown
    necklace: Symbol of the Shining Sun
    trinket: vibrant purple ioun stone / eardweller / voice / mindfury symbiont
    cloak: medium guild augment slot
    belt: greater false life (to be changed to villager(?) belt)
    ring1: +6 con
    ring2: Signet of the Shining sun
    gloves: purple dragon gauntlets
    boots: cannith boots of propulsion
    braces: braces of the sun soul
    armor: Templar's bastion (to be changed to cleric armor)
    goggles: GS SP concordant item.

    weapon: luminous truth / Watcher's blade+light and darkness

    All mass cures/heal mass with empower+maximize+empower heal+quicken on. saves party(raid groups) on bosses.
    All buffs with extend.
    FVS capstone free heal with all meta's on. its free!

    Now you might say that I cant heal well, well let me tell you, that I spend between 0 and 100 SP on healing per quest. those free heals heal so good, they are like my cure crits, so I use cures for emergencies.

    YoureDown is currently level 22, almost 23, sitting at 3900 SP and 500HP. Solo healed von 5 epic hard (even 11 healers cant heal epic elite @ lvl 22, Like seriously, just call it impossible and we're done here...) after other healers went afk, solo healed shroud hard, after healers dc'd.

    Feedback would be awesome!
    Last edited by YoureDown; 07-09-2012 at 07:39 PM.

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