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  1. #1
    Community Member eterna1_drag0n's Avatar
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    Default New set bonuses need love for Docents

    I'm loving the new expansion everything is really good and the new set bonuses are great, but the melee WF are loosing out a little with the Ancient Gemstone. The sets item bonuses are providing the same buff as the Docent itself, namely the +7 Constitution. None of the other sets have overlapping, same set bonuses; the WF need a little love here.

    Ancient Gemstone:+6, Resistance +6, Constitution +7, Good Luck +2

    Purple Dragon armor: +6, Heavy Fortification, Superior False Life, DR5/-
    Purple Dragon Helm: Con +7, Insightful Str +2, Intimidate +15
    Purple Dragon Gauntlets: Str +7, Insightful Con +2, Healing Amplification - 30%

    Vestments of the Sun Soul: Armor Bonus +9, Resistance +6, Enhanced Ki +1, Reinforced Fists
    Belt of the Sun Soul: Con +7, Insightful Wis +2, Concentration +15
    Bracers of the Sun Soul: Wisdom +7, Insightful Con +2, Superior Parrying

    Is there any way you can make it so the Docent reflects the set bonus armor instead of just gaining the 3rd piece attribute?

    Purple Dragon Docent: +6, Heavy Fortification, Superior False Life, DR5/-
    Docent of the Sun Soul: +6, Resistance +6, Enhanced Ki +1, Reinforced Fists

    I'd really love to see the Enhanced Ki +1 and Reinforced Fists on a Docent as there is none currently in the game, even though there are many robes that do supply those bonuses, as would the rest of the WF monk community.

    Thank you and keep up the good work!
    Khyber: mislabeled, nondevout

  2. #2
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    I agree with this sentiment, though I would consider taking it a step further. Add a ritual to the stone of change that would allow changing various named armors (ideally all of them, but that would take a bit) between docent form and fleshie form. Also, have slightly different rituals for changing a docent to heavy armor, medium armor, light armor, or robe/outfit, but only applicable for items that were originally docents. That way, you could turn a heavy armor into a docent and then back into a heavy armor, or a docent into whatever type of armor you want and then back into a docent.

  3. #3
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    For that matter, the stone heart docent from trial of fury can have any stat and can supposedly be upgraded to be part of any of the eveningstar sets, so you can get by without overlapping stats at least.

  4. #4
    Community Member xveganrox's Avatar
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    Seriously? The sets currently have a *ton* of love for WF. WF can wear any of the sets, with the armor as any type (light, medium, heavy) - which is more than I can say for my sad, sad human rogue who only can dream of getting the PDK set bonus while keeping evasion...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post
    Seriously? The sets currently have a *ton* of love for WF. WF can wear any of the sets, with the armor as any type (light, medium, heavy) - which is more than I can say for my sad, sad human rogue who only can dream of getting the PDK set bonus while keeping evasion...
    The issue is more in the fact that the abilities on the docent are overlapped by some of the abilities in the various sets. This is not an issue for fleshies. Yeah, it is nice that the docent can be made part of the set, but when you have 1 race that uses a completely different set of armor than everyone else in the game, there should really be a way to convert between the two.

  6. #6
    Community Member scoobmx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xveganrox View Post
    Seriously? The sets currently have a *ton* of love for WF. WF can wear any of the sets, with the armor as any type (light, medium, heavy) - which is more than I can say for my sad, sad human rogue who only can dream of getting the PDK set bonus while keeping evasion...
    TR into warforged rogue
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  7. #7
    Community Member Jitty's Avatar
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    I see no reason for this sort of change.

    The fact that WF can use the docent for any of the sets more than makes up for the fact that a stat may overlap. What you are asking for wouldn't bring balance between WF and fleshies, it would make the Docent clearly better than the armor choices. The current situation where you trade one good thing for another good thing is fine and well balanced.
    Tenfour-Dominican-Bashdem-Spielbergo of Orien

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jitty View Post
    I see no reason for this sort of change.

    The fact that WF can use the docent for any of the sets more than makes up for the fact that a stat may overlap. What you are asking for wouldn't bring balance between WF and fleshies, it would make the Docent clearly better than the armor choices. The current situation where you trade one good thing for another good thing is fine and well balanced.
    How exactly would making the docent a copy of any of the armor items from the various sets make the docent a better choice? It would be exactly the same thing. That's like saying an apple is a better choice than an apple.

  9. #9
    Community Member Jitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadereaper33 View Post
    How exactly would making the docent a copy of any of the armor items from the various sets make the docent a better choice? It would be exactly the same thing. That's like saying an apple is a better choice than an apple.
    Currently, to wear the purple dragon set, you have to wear heavy armor. This means that classes that dont want to wear heavy armor cannot wear the set. Simmilarly, to wear the sunsoul set you must wear a robe. Classes that don't want to wear a robe cannot wear the sunsoul set.

    To use a docent, these questions don't exist (do I want to wear heavy armor? Do I want to wear a robe?) because you have one option. So warforged can wear any set they choose. To then make the docent able to mimic any of the armors means that, as I said in my first post, the docent is clearly the better choice. This would be instead of the current option which is, I don't get x bonus that the armor gets but I can choose any set that I feel is good for my build. Comparing a choice based on class (apples) to a choice based on race (oranges) and saying it is compairing apples with apples is myopic and doesn't aknowledge the flexablility that the docent currently has.
    Last edited by Jitty; 07-08-2012 at 10:45 PM.
    Tenfour-Dominican-Bashdem-Spielbergo of Orien

  10. #10
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    i'll settle with the devs allowing us to make the docent qualify for more than once set bonus at once
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jitty View Post
    Currently, to wear the purple dragon set, you have to wear heavy armor. This means that classes that dont want to wear heavy armor cannot wear the set. Simmilarly, to wear the sunsoul set you must wear a robe. Classes that don't want to wear a robe cannot wear the sunsoul set.

    To use a docent, these questions don't exist (do I want to wear heavy armor? Do I want to wear a robe?) because you have one option. So warforged can wear any set they choose. To then make the docent able to mimic any of the armors means that, as I said in my first post, the docent is clearly the better choice. This would be instead of the current option which is, I don't get x bonus that the armor gets but I can choose any set that I feel is good for my build. Comparing a choice based on class (apples) to a choice based on race (oranges) and saying it is compairing apples with apples is myopic and doesn't aknowledge the flexablility that the docent currently has.
    Well, a simple fix to this would be to put feat requirements on docents that are converted from fleshie armors. For example, if you convert the heavy armor from the PDK set, it requires you to have the adamantine body feat to equip it. This way, you are still wearing the equivalent of heavy armor. I would say that heavy armors should require the adamantine body feat, medium and light armors require mithril body, and robes/outfits don't require anything. This gives a slight advantage to people who want to convert a medium armor over, but I feel that it would be a fair requirement to use some of that armor.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadereaper33 View Post
    Well, a simple fix to this would be to put feat requirements on docents that are converted from fleshie armors. For example, if you convert the heavy armor from the PDK set, it requires you to have the adamantine body feat to equip it. This way, you are still wearing the equivalent of heavy armor. I would say that heavy armors should require the adamantine body feat, medium and light armors require mithril body, and robes/outfits don't require anything. This gives a slight advantage to people who want to convert a medium armor over, but I feel that it would be a fair requirement to use some of that armor.
    I would be happy to have choices for a upgrade docet without having to obtain a Ancient Gemstone:+6, Resistance +6, Constitution +7, Good Luck +2.

    I would like one that I can get with just Commendations.

    WF did take a nerf with Underdark,people seem to forget that.

  13. #13
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jitty View Post
    To use a docent, these questions don't exist (do I want to wear heavy armor? Do I want to wear a robe?) because you have one option. So warforged can wear any set they choose. To then make the docent able to mimic any of the armors means that, as I said in my first post, the docent is clearly the better choice. This would be instead of the current option which is, I don't get x bonus that the armor gets but I can choose any set that I feel is good for my build. Comparing a choice based on class (apples) to a choice based on race (oranges) and saying it is compairing apples with apples is myopic and doesn't aknowledge the flexablility that the docent currently has.
    The two spider robes can be made part of sets too at least, so it's not really THAT exclusive a feat. Also a set with that many overlaps isn't worth wearing.. I know I can find something more interesting that 3-4 items at once with +6/+7 con. -__-

    I think most of us wf enthusiasts are really annoyed that wf monks/casters? get skunked yet again on top of a huge nerf and a racekilling bug.
    In the case of monks it's getting so bad that they're a joke in comparison to just about any other race.

  14. #14
    The Hatchery Fefnir_2011's Avatar
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    WF have three choices here:

    1. Wear the Gemstone and be annoyed that it has a redundant stat.

    2. Grind out all that favor and upgrade the Stone Heart.

    3. TR to a fleshie because you are very very sad about the way you've been treated...
    Honkin • Diaari • Baz • Shankiee • Tranzcend • Diaana • Diaarti

  15. #15
    Community Member fyrst.grok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fefnir_2011 View Post
    WF have three choices here:

    1. Wear the Gemstone and be annoyed that it has a redundant stat.

    2. Grind out all that favor and upgrade the Stone Heart.

    3. TR to a fleshie because you are very very sad about the way you've been treated...
    1. It kinda suck anyway.

    2. Stone heart overlap too.

    3. Already in the process... Which is a shame as it reduce variety and flavor.

  16. #16
    Community Member Devonian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcoffey View Post
    I would be happy to have choices for a upgrade docet without having to obtain a Ancient Gemstone:+6, Resistance +6, Constitution +7, Good Luck +2.

    I would like one that I can get with just Commendations.

    WF did take a nerf with Underdark,people seem to forget that.
    More than one as they also dragged reconstruct down to be in line with heal despite the fact that reconstruct has no spell power ap lines, nor does it remedy atrib damage ect the way that Heal does.
    Currently levelling: Lainnu, WF Arteficter 18, Khyber, Leader of House Tarkanan
    Jhankgix, WF lvl 21 monk, Grand Master of Flowers,Khyber, House Tarkanan
    Recovering Altaholic.

  17. #17
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    I think i would rather do away with set bonuses and instead have combination bonuses. Say when we mix some equipment abilities with other equipment abilities suddenly those abilities take on combo abilities. Then we could mix a variety of items together as we pleased and lead to greater variety. As it stands being forced to use sets leads to stagnation of imagination in my opinion.

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