I'm not one to make waves. I roll with the punches and I rewrite all my builds after every new tweak to the game.

I'm not whining about the loss of perfect immunities but I do have a question, if I may be so bold....

I'm looking at what will eventually be a Neg-Neg-Neg Greensteel Neckalace (Immunity Necklace) and my BloodRage Symbiont. Both of which are powerful items with powerful mods consolidated into one slot. They carry MLs (by intention) way lower than the sum of their mods.

Why in this new world are they both Proof Against Poison/Disease +6 instead of +10 (at least)?

I see +10 available in Cannith Crafting.
I know that there are mods you can pull (on random loot) that are more powerful than what you can craft. (example: for crafted skill boosts +13 is topend but you can pull random +15s)

I would ask for a reply at the least and a reconsideration at the best, but I expect nothing.

I know you guys are busy people and on top of that I have found that expecting nothing is the best way to be pleasantly surprised and/or not let down.

Keep up the good work, thanks for your time.