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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jun 2012

    Default New to game looking for pure build

    As title says iam new to the game, i have had about 3 weeks total play on here and so far each person i have become friends with has told me to make a custom build class as they are better.
    I purely like to dish out alot of damage but also dont want to be killed to eaisly either, if anyone knows of a good/decent build for a fighter then please let me know

  2. #2
    The Hatchery Syllph's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    DDO is a very customizable game. I would strongly suggest not listening to advice from anyone until you've had a chance to test some ideas out for yourself.

    (Not that the suggestions will be wrong but the nature of this game allows you to have more than one correct-type build and through experimentation you can make something truly entertaining)

    Make a toon the way you believe it should be made to do damage. Level him to 12 and make sure to group with as many people as possible. During this time watch the other people in your groups to see which ones are performing the way you would hope to. Ask those people for the advice. (do not pay attention to the report that shows kill-count. In ddo this only means who got the last hit and actually killed the monster.)

    Lastly, in my personal opinion, most of what comes from a "build" really isn't important. Gear is so important in ddo to make a difference. A fighter with wonderfully high strength can only go so far without gear making his strength higher. It can only do so much if his weapon is doing 1d8 damage while his companion has one that does 5[1d6] with flaming bust, flaming blast, and incineration. What I'm trying to get at is your build can have a lot of room for mistakes and can be easily covered with good gear. There are definitely better choices while selecting feats but if you're looking for pure damage these will be fairly intuitive. Surely some will disagree but having played every class in the game, my personal experience has been: with good gear every "build" shines.
    Last edited by Syllph; 07-08-2012 at 08:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2012


    thanks for the advice i will look into doing that myself, although i was curious as to what others might have done to what ive done differently already.

  4. #4
    Community Member PolarisNC's Avatar
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    This list of revised pathway builds is starting to show its age, but should still give you some ideas to start with. Just beware advice regarding armor, as that part of the combat system has changed significantly since the xpac launched.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by PolarisNC View Post
    This list of revised pathway builds is starting to show its age, but should still give you some ideas to start with. Just beware advice regarding armor, as that part of the combat system has changed significantly since the xpac launched.
    yeah i had a look at that and thats the fighter 2h build iam going with atm, just wondering if anyone has been able to make something stronger then that build as a fighter

  6. #6
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    A lot's changed since tihocan last updated those builds: AC is relevant again (for now), several previously-nigh-useless feats have been improved significantly, tanking has changed a lot (for the better, IMHO), and of course epic levels & feats & destinies have been added with MotU.

    But if you're looking for a typical THF Kensai build, the basics remain the same: max STR, high CON; for feats take the 5 Kensai pre-reqs, THF/ITHF/GTHF chain, Improved Crit, Toughness, and Power Atk. Cleave & Great Cleave have been buffed recently and are pre-reqs for the Overwhelming Crit epic feat; while Power Crit now provides +2 Seeker bonus; so I consider all three must-haves on a DPS Kensai now. I like to use the remaining feats on tactics, namely Stunning Blow & Imp Sunder; Precision is now situationally useful too for -25% fortification (got rid of the 1/2 dmg penalty, thankfully).

    EDIT: posted a dwarven THF Kensai here the other day; it's 32 pts, but it's possible to tweak it for 28-pt build or other races (tho might have to give up epic Toughness). Gives you some idea of what I expect / plan for in a Kensai these days.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    I had played for two and a half years and used all ten slots before I realized that custom builds even existed. It took me that long to learn to play (though I really only spend 2-3 hours per week) and see that every toon I had was a gimp. I didn't understand Feats, Enhancements or spells. I spend lots of money on pots and cake. I still had fun though because I am not an Epic LoB player and never will be.
    I am slowly rerolling toons and using custom builds. Good to see the OP not waiting 30 months to figure this out like I did.

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